Matt Kenseth Quotes

For me to win at New Hampshire first of all is more than a stretch and more than a dream. This is probably one of my worst places.

I think the penalties are grossly unfair. I think it's borderline shameful.

I'm happier than I've ever been in life. Happy with my life outside of racing. Really happy with my life inside the garage.

Chapel services on race day have a calming effect. It's a nice time for us to worship and try to get the message and hear some music and have a little fellowship together before we get to racing.

God's more in control than we are. Obviously you still take all the precautions and safety measures inside your car.

Usually when I'm mad I'd rather listen to angry music than soothing music - more heavy metal some Metallica or something.

It's been a long time since I've won a race in anything