Marcel Dzama Quotes

I like all kinds of music but some of my all time favorites are P.I.L. Yoko Ono T-Rex and Anton Karas.

I actually prefer the silent black and white version of the Wizard Of Oz from the 20's.

The muted color scheme allows the occasional brighter yellow or red to pop out on the wall in a show which I like.

The process of the body changing and making a whole human fascinates me.

When I was a school kid I used to read lots of comics. This started me on drawing I would make my own comics about my teddy bear whose name happened to be Ted.

I make art primarily for myself and to show my friends so I guess it's important to make art that they can connect to.

I made a tin man costume with tin foil and furnace parts because I thought it would help me be more heartless.

I've been very influenced by Inuit art especially some drawings and watercolors I've seen.

My main influence are the other members of the Royal Art Lodge we've drawn together enough that we can't help but influence each other.

I'm not a trained dancer in the slightest.

I wouldn't consider myself an outsider artist because I have a university degree in painting.

I've been very fortunate in my art career. It's something I would never have expected.

I had always loved Joseph Cornell and wanted to do something with dioramas.