Mahathir Mohamad Quotes

I thought that the United Nations is a creature of the five super-powers who were given veto powers. I don't like veto powers at all.

History should remember Blair and Bush as the killers of children or as the lying prime minister and president.

If you know each other well you want to do business with people you know well. You don't do business with strangers.

I'm brash and abrasive but that's because I've noticed when people are nice and polite they never get anywhere.

Developing countries like Malaysia should have a say in changing the world financial system since we have faced the problems that it has caused.

The Commonwealth is a mixture of developing and developed world in which the developed countries were very influential and their policies hold sway most of the time.

I know the situation of the Commonwealth generally and I know that the aim should be to make the Commonwealth much more relevant to the poorer countries.

Actually I invited many Commonwealth leaders to come to Malaysia. They did not accept my invitation. By that I mean they didn't say they didn't accept but they just didn't come here.

Most developing countries would know Malaysia quite well. Why? It is because we believe in contacts. We offer them some help for training for example. We call it 'technical cooperation'.

Some people say that we here have no freedom of religion ... In reality the people in that country are the ones who were forced to embrace a religion.

Currency trading is unnecessary unproductive and totally immoral. It should be stopped.

The UN is hardly democratic.

When you have elections in which 90% or 95% or 99% of those elected come from one party then I think there is some fraudulent act.

No one should have extra influence on an organisation. We should always regard ourselves as equals in the organisation and we should be concerned about each other's problems.

If you can't be famous at least you can be notorious.

Membership of an organisation is good as long as you can make yourself heard.

I cannot keep quiet even when I am a lone voice.

Any organisation has a future provided it is properly led and it sticks to the objective of that organisation.

We need an opposition to remind us if we are making mistakes. When you are not opposed you think everything you do is right.

When I became Prime Minister I looked back on what was done before - what were the policies and actions before - and I thought that I need to be critical if I'm going to do anything at all.