Kendall Jenner Quotes

Dream big work hard. My parents brought up Kylie [Jenner] and me to be workaholics. That's something I really appreciate.

My first crush was this kid in kindergarten who told me he had tigers in his attic as well.

When I was little I would always lie about the stupidest things. In kindergarten or first grade I would tell people I had tigers living in my attic and a room full of gold.

Don't judge someone's attitude until you've felt their pain.

I definitely want to design clothes at one point.

I feel like I grew up too fast a long time ago.

Do your squats eat your vegetables wear red lipstick [and] don't let boys be mean to you.

What people don't understand is that calling someone too skinny is the same as calling someone too fat; it's not a nice feeling.

My ideal prom date would have to be cute funny sweet nice.

My biggest role model? Def my Mom and my sisters!

I think everyone is beautiful in their own way.

I guess my style's a little edgy but comfortable. I like being comfortable for sure and kind of casual.

Ask me a question about paparazzi and I get so heated. And I feel so bad for young kids of celebrities. My nieces and nephews get yelled at and I'm like 'You are yelling at a 2-year-old.'

I really don't have a celebrity crush.

My dream jobs would be Italian 'Vogue' and anything with Chanel!

Sometimes I just want to be left alone and be a normal kid for like five minutes. That's tough when the paparazzi are chasing you.

I don't work with a trainer. I just go to cheerleading practice and run a couple times a week.

I want to continue modeling and do the best that I can with that.

My dad is my everything. He always had the craziest speeches for Kylie [Kendall]and me growing up good words to live by.

The New York fashion scene is crazy madness but I love the energy.

Modelling isn't something I'm doing to prove people wrong. It's something I'm doing because it's what I want to do

My favorite thing about doing photo shoots is just being able to have fun meeting new people getting dressed up and I just love doing it. So I have a lot of fun.

If I see something really nasty on Twitter I will usually delete it or block the person because I don't want to see that every day... Get to know me and then you can talk about me!

I hate when people are chomping their gum even though I do it. I hate that.

I think mascara is a must. If I'm going to wear makeup somewhere and I'm doing it it's usually really simple - it's just mascara and maybe a tiny bit of eyeshadow but that's it.

I truly enjoyed Greece - Santorini. That's somewhere that I always want to be.

I wanted to fly when I was little. I still want to fly.

I'm the fastest walker and everyone makes fun of me for it.

In first grade I told my friends I had a third story in my house filled with jewels and lions.

Modeling is my number one priority - one hundred percent.

I'm a very loyal and very private person when it comes to my personal life. But I obviously do have Twitter and Instagram and I will share some of the things I'm doing.

It makes me thinkâ??what am I going to be like when I'm 65?

I'm obsessed with Tumblr. I love looking at all the pictures!

I was always looking up to supermodels. They were like my superheroes.

Itâ??s crazy to think North West can already read better than Kendall Jenner.

I want to be the next Gisele Bundchen . Everything she does who she is what she's done she's just amazing.