Kat Graham Quotes

I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved who I am not. Even if you're not accepted at least you are still yourself.

To me success is making a positive difference through art - making art that affects the world and that changes the way people feel about themselves and the world.

I'm happy when I have like one fan but the fact that I'm getting fans from different places and different communities it's really amazing.

I love being on tour; I love being on the road. It's the most amazing feeling ever. I live for it; I love it.

I just don't drink alcohol. I never have; I never will.

Blade' was amazing; I can't imagine the character without Wesley Snipes. He just made a long black leather trench coat look so cool.

If I was on Broadway I would want to do anything Vaudeville or a biopic.

I have more of a desire to write songs about being an independent woman than being in love songs about getting up and moving on even if I have a broken heart.

You make your mark by being true to who you are and letting that be your staple.

If you're cast on 'The Vampire Diaries ' the likelihood of you dying is very good.

I've always been involved with charities and things like that but when I started communicating with the fans and hearing their stories about the lives they lead it really made an impact on me.

I'm a smoky eye girl. I love playing with eye colors metallics... fun stuff!

I hope to do multiple characters throughout my life that are separate from me. I think it's a cop-out if you play yourself in everything.

On my days off I love denim cut off shorts with gladiator sandals and crop tops.

Anyone who knows me knows what I'm about - how much I'm into empowerment equal rights and everyone just loving themselves.

I think it's important to have your own individual style and sense of self. It's kind of what I do.

I think the hardest thing to do in a relationship is something for yourself.

I'm all about high-waisted pants and skirts pencil skirts and sheer long-sleeves in the summer.

I don't really have a main source for my style inspiration. It's really about however I feel about myself at the moment.