Kandyse McClure Quotes

Anything is possible - even the most far-fetched idea can come to being through a series of seemingly small decisions and actions.

My mom is my best friend and always offers me great perspective and reminds me to be compassionate to myself in moments when I feel low.

Singing in front of people. It's like having your heart beat outside of you.

Celebrate yourself. Follow your passions and eccentricities because they are yours alone. You are unique! If everyone did that I'm pretty sure there would be world peace.

I read that when cats are cuddling and kneading you and you think it's cute they're really just checking your vitals for weak spots.

Playing the ukulele and singing is a fantastic stress reliever. So is cleaning! Scrubbing away at the dirt helps clear my mind as well.

The quiet of the morning offers a perfect time to do a meditation and yoga practice. It also allows time to be creative or to contemplate before the business of the day.

I could never have dreamed the life I lead. Given where I started it's remarkable to me the constant adventure that my life has become.

Take a leap of faith. You will either land somewhere new or learn to fly.

I find that if I've taken care of myself first I can then be there fully for everyone else.

However you learn and whatever your circumstances an education that prepares you for the world is every child's right.

I'm always preparing for a regular life.