James Norton Quotes

We live in secular world now but most of our art and culture is rooted in religion.

I love when I'm on holiday in cities going into church and feeling that reverence and that kind of automatic respect: the sort of magic which exists in those kind of religious temples.

I crashed my bicycle on the way to my first date with my ex-girlfriend and was cautioned by the police.

You don't want a character who sits on an even playing field the whole time.

I'm quite a smiley guy I have my moments but I think I'm generally of a relatively optimistic nature.

Being in Russia filming War & Peace...filming War & Peace alone is an extraordinary experience but to be out there was just magical.

Being in a person's head for five months where they're so hateful is kind of exhausting.

If you're constantly stepping outside of the character and judging them you'll never really be able to fully engage because you'll always be slightly cynical.

Half of what creates psychopaths is genetic but the other half is conditioning.

As an actor I think most people have a tendency to want to demonstrate that they can act they can emote.

I love good stories; you have to have a good plot - characters which intertwine with a good plot.

You really try to work the character out and spend time in the headspace of the character. That's what I did.