J. Irwin Miller Quotes

I think most of us sense that it is a responsibility of the humanities to try to help better the conduct of human beings in their lives and manifold professional activities.

The calling of the humanities is to make us truly human in the best sense of the word.

In our home we have a rule: You can disagree with a man's position as much as you want - after you have been able to state it to his satisfaction.

Television preachers extract money from the poor to live in a style and to indulge in shameful acts which equal or outdo the worst of the Renaissance Popes.

Nothing is more expensive than mediocrity.

We are afraid to face the hard questions. We are willing to tackle drugs crime and public education only if it doesn't cost us any new taxes.

The most important service to others is service to those who are not like yourself.

I would be a poorer person if the only things I knew were what I had found out for myself.