Hans-Peter Lindstrøm Quotes

It's nice if you're making a regular pop or rock album and you get ten little songs. But I really try to make the album with one big story instead of ten small stories.

I always spend too much time on getting the details right. That's the problem with computers. They make it possible to change too much of the music after it's been recorded.

I think most good music has got some kind of crossover-potential. It feels nice to know that there are more people than those into dance-music that are listening to what I've made.

The importance of selecting music and sequencing songs - making one song merge into another song. In retrospect those are the most important lessons I got from DJs.

I wish I could free myself from making music that has a dancefloor-function or at least try to focus more on all the other elements in music.

When I'm working on something and I get to the point where I feel it getting interesting that's my reward.