Gayle Tzemach Lemmon Quotes

My mother never asked me whether I wanted to go to college but told me I was going - to the University of Maryland on an academic scholarship.

Numerically speaking half the population cannot be a minority. Yet when it comes to women the numbers plainly show that the mathematically impossible is the socially acceptable.

The women of Afghanistan have a voice and it needs to be heard and not forgotten.

No woman in Afghanistan is in business without support from either her husband or her father or her uncle someone.

In reality Afghanistan has functioned as a nation-state for more than two centuries and its army and bureaucracy reach back to the 19th century.

The United States will not be in Afghanistan forever.

In Afghanistan life is so fragile; who knows what the next week will bring? That fragility really affects the way you're able to report and the kind of stories people will tell you.

In Nigeria along with its West African neighbor Ghana women are now starting businesses in greater numbers than men.

Microfinance is an incredibly powerful tool ... but we must move beyond micro-hopes and micro-ambitions for women.

If you're talking about entrepreneurs in conflict and post-conflict settings then you must talk about women because they are the population you have left.

It is high time to declare an end to the breastfeeding dictatorship that is drowning women in guilt and worry just when they most need support: after the birth of a child.

Microfinance does not require previous experience or loans to the same extent as a small-business loan so it's easier for women to enter the micro sector.

Giving birth to a baby does not make you an infant.

I'm a really bad driver. When I'm in L.A. my husband always has to park the car for me because I'm likely to hit something.

Because microfinance is so manageable in terms of the size of the loan people have made it the cornerstone to lifting women out of poverty.

Not one country in all the world has eliminated its economic participation [gender] gap - not one.

Educated mothers are 50 percent more likely to immunize their children than mothers with no schooling.

A social entrepreneur finds market-based solutions for change. Because without a market-based solution without a sustainable solution you go nowhere.

When people can't feed their children nothing else positive happens. You don't have to look farther than the United States to see that.

A lot has been said about single mothers. Most of it has been less than flattering.

Women who choose to breastfeed should get as much education and support as possible.

We do not invest in victims we invest in survivors.

Single mothers are raising more of America's children than ever before.

It matters whether women sit at the table. No one speaks up for you when you are standing outside with your nose pressed up against the glass. You cannot window-shop for power.

We are so used to seeing women as victims of war to be pitied rather than survivors of war to be respected.