Gael Monfils Quotes

My first objective is to win against No. 1 in the world.

I know I'm strong and that's good.

When I feel good the crowd is behind me have a great spirit I think I can be very tough to beat.

I dont regret anything. I am proud to try a challenge even if I do not exceed.

Sometimes you know I just feel like I want a Coke and I drink a Coke.

Playing against someone like Roger Federer is not easy. I had my chance today but I guess I made a lot of errors. But I have no complaints.

I try my best for everything. If I don't feel happy I don't do it.

I don't think I'm easy but I think I'm quite a good worker.

When you've played a long rally and you lost it it does hurt.

I won't lie to you - it's better to have someone to help you. I need it.

If you want to talk it's okay with me. I sit and relax.

I just try to be relax because I'm always been a relaxed person.

I think I always play good always played solid.

For me tennis is a sport. It's not a job it's a sport.