Fela Kuti Quotes

I don't tell lies about anybody. That's why i win all my wars.

A radical is he who has no sense...fights without reason...I have a reason. I am authentic. Yes that's what I am.

You cannot sing African music in proper English

I must identify myself with Africa. Then I will have an identity.

The music of Africa is big sound: it's the sound of a community

99.9% of the information you get about Africa is wrong

To be spiritual is not by praying and going to church. Spiritualism is the understanding of the universe so that it can be a better place to live in.

To be honest and truthful in all endeavours is an experience not a regret

I hold death in my pouch I cannot die.

In Nigeria they convict by law not by the truth

My people are scared of the air around them they always have an excuse not to fight for freedom

That is my best friend because it is a gift of the creator to Africans. It is a spirit. Marijuana has five fingers of creation...it enhances all your five senses.

Music is a weapon of the future / music is the weapon of the progressives / music is the weapon of the givers of life

I refuse to live my life in fear...

The secret of life is to have no fear.

If it is not fit to live in then our job is to make it fit.

When you're in prison you can't do anything about what's happening outside.

I could never leave my home.... It inspires me a lot.

I want peace. Happiness. Not only for myself. For everybody.

With my music I create change...I am using my music as a weapon.

Music is the weapon. Music is the weapon of the future.