Dana Brunetti Quotes

Everybody is always going to have haters. It comes with the job. You have to have a tough skin and not let it affect you.

The cars haven't advanced that much since we were kids. When you boil it down it's still a gas combustion engine.

The issue of doing an adaptation of a book is the theater of the mind and so you always face that.

The future of the television industry is changing at an unstoppable rate and it is exciting to share my experience and thoughts on how this will change the value of content in the digital space.

What I find most exciting about online video is that it's the future.

You talk about Steve Jobs when he came out with the iPhone and everyone thought it was amazing: you touch it and move the screen.

You can learn a lot from somebody's video bio: if you're not going to gel with the actor or a crew.

We all thought we'd have flying cars by now but we don't.

How we get power how cars are powered when the technology and resources to have something that is infinitely better we still use old-school technology. We're still using that same exact structure.

Don't sell credits; don't sell walk-on roles... If people want to back you they'll back you. But if you have to entice people will walk-on roles and crazy credits you're undermining yourself.

There's guys like me who aren't going to the theater so distributors are leaving money on the table.

When I was starting out and had to cut my teeth and build my resume to get in I had to basically work for free on a lot of things.

The production value of YouTube videos is not there.