Damon Hill Quotes

People ask me to describe myself but it's a very personal thing. You don't feel comfortable.

I am very much aware that if I am getting good press at the moment I could just as easily be getting bad press. I cannot have the good and forget the bad. You have to accept it both ways.

I am not allowing myself to get carried away.

After you've had Alain Prost and Ayrton Senna as team-mates you don't give a **** who the next bloke is

It was five years since I'd won a race so I was a bit bewildered.

I am a brush the car is my track and the artist my canvas

Realistically we could aim for the top three in the constructors championship. Realistically we could look at winning more races. Three race wins would be very satisfying.

Last year was a lifetime a whole career in one season. We went from being the dregs to winners.

If someone is being absolutely critical of me as a driver what could they say? I am also critical of myself to try and keep things in perspective. That is very important.

I have always liked a challenge.

If I am pushed I will push back that is the way I am. I am very British. We don't like to be pushed around. When the chips are down we might have to step into grey areas.

Winning is everything. The only ones who remember you when you come second are your wife and your dog.

The problem comes when you say that danger is part of the equation. Then you don't do any more work on safety. That shouldn't happen.

If I am treated fairly I like to do things in a fair manner. That is the way I have been all my career. I haven't tried to do things in an underhanded way.

I think at times I appear to be miserable when I am not... I might be having quite a good thought at that moment but it seems I look miserable. I am not.

Winter testing is essential but there comes a point where you have had enough of all the rehearsals and the pretend racing. You just want to get down to the real action.

I try to keep myself on an even keel by trying to be as critical of myself as I am of other people. I try to separate my performance from myself.

To be honest I think for part of my late teens my character didn't really develop very much. I was in a state of cold storage.

The British tend to shy away from the spotlight. We don't like being singled out in any way and I think that is something which is important for me to learn to do.