Zucchini Quotes

The first zucchini I ever saw I killed it with a hoe.

When I pass a flowering zucchini plant in a garden my heart skips a beat.

Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake zucchini bread and pumpkin pie.

There is a tale...It tells of the days when a blight hung over our land. Nothing prospered. Nothing flourished. Not even zucchini would grow.

Since his mother died I have seen him steam a cucumber thinking it was zucchini. That's the kind of thing that turns my heart right over.

Last night we had three small zucchini for dinner that were grown within fifty feet of our back door. I estimate they cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $371.49 each.

Most people only use their griddles for pancakes but you can sear vegetables like sliced zucchini or mushrooms thinly sliced meats like chicken or pork or thinly sliced fish or squid.