Workouts Quotes

Workouts are like brushing my teeth; I don't think about them I just do them. The decision has already been made.

I don't like workouts that make you bulky.

One of my all-time favorite workouts is boxing.

I try to fit in workouts whenever I can.

Sometimes you've got to make your work and workouts co-exist.

Most champions are built by punch the clock workouts rather than extraordinary efforts.

Most workouts are way too aggressive. Thousands of lunges wear out the body.

I'm very rarely in the gym. My workouts are predominantly outside in nature.

I am trying to attend every training session and do all of my workouts.

The most important thing for staying in shape is having fun with your workouts.

You do brutal workouts to get used to suffering so suffering doesn't become a defining deal.

As I've gotten older I've come to realize how important it is to vary your workouts.

The thing that motivates me most in my workouts is when I can learn something new.

I'm varying my workouts so it's not just cardio but also includes moves to maintain my flexibility.

If you're not on your 'A' game in our workouts every day you're going to get absolutely smoked.

Just because your triceps have fallen behind your biceps doesn't mean you should back off your triceps workouts.

I snack on fruit and nuts. In the middle of my long workouts I'll have a protein shake.

I think the two most important parts of any athlete's workouts are his leg workouts and his core training.

During workouts I listen to Pandora and I like the '90s pop stations. 'The Backstreet Boys' is fun!

Live Foods and Exercise = Good Health and Happiness. Make eating the right foods and daily workouts a top priority.

My problem with most athletic challenges is training. I'm lazy and find that workouts cut into my drinking time.

Sex keeps me fit and healthy. What can be better than that? It's not about crazy diets or gym workouts.

There are times I might coach one or two workouts a year when the regular coach gets caught in traffic

I think if you're not going to look so daft walking down the street split your workouts a little bit.

Even for runners who never make the transition to more sophisticated workouts easing into speedwork will lead to more enjoyable running.

I think it's fun to get in a room and sweat with people. I'm happy to share my workouts with everyone.

It's tricky when I'm constantly traveling and adjusting to new time zones and trying to also keep up with my workouts.

I obtain my center by remembering to breathe when in a difficult situation. My daily routine includes prayer workouts and meditation.

It's the cross-training that's key. It doesn't let your body adapt to one stimulus too much and it keeps your workouts exciting.

We overload in our workouts so that the game slows down in real life. It helps you become a smarter basketball player.

In the United States workouts tend to focus on body image and how you look. For me it's really all about the brain.

Full-body workouts are great for someone who can only train a few times per week as missing one day will be less detrimental.

I try my best to stay healthy but I have the appetite of a nine-year-old boy so I just pay for it in workouts.

Besides surfing I play tennis volleyball I swim I run hills or I do high-intensity high-interval workouts. I'm up at 5 A.M. every day.

I wanted to become one of the best guards in the NBA. In order to accomplish that I had to increase the intensity of my workouts.

I am ready. I'm in great shape. My workouts have been great. I'm ready to get back and help a team get to the Super Bowl.

We all have bad days and bad workouts when running gets ugly when split times seem slow when you wonder why you started. It will pass.

I drink coconut water before my workouts. It has just the right amount of calories and electrolytes to get me going. My body has actually started craving it.

I always took my workouts serious because I have a football background. I came from football so when I got to baseball I continued my football workouts in the offseason.

I think someone should design exercise machines that reward people with sex at the end of their workouts because people will perform superhuman feats for even the faint hope of that.

I'm definitely an outdoorsy guy. I like hiking outdoor workouts with body weight. But when it comes to getting it done I can just get in the gym and pound it out.

Most workouts are way too aggressive. Thousands of lunges wear out the body. It's not healthy for the one with the bad back bad knees diabetes. I'm never going to do that.

Don't measure anything unless the data helps you make a better decision or change your actions. If you're not prepared to change your diet or your workouts don't get on the scale.

I have worked out with the Thunder Lakers Knicks Grizzlies Spurs and a few others before the draft. I have worked out primarily against shorter and supposedly faster players in these workouts.

There are â??bus benchâ? workouts and â??park benchâ? workouts. A bus bench and a park bench look exactly the same but your expectations sitting in them are radically different.

Sometimes something as simple as going for a 20-minute jog on any given day is important. Keeps your body moving and legs from getting stiffened up from doing high-intensity workouts during the week.

At least for soccer players it comes down to a blend of two types of fitness - your base endurance which comes from longer distance running and your speed which comes from sprint-based workouts.

If I'm on holiday I'm active on the beach I play tennis I run I swim a lot. It's just about making the workouts fun I think and then it doesn't really feel that bad.

All of the products I take help me feel like I'm getting the maximum amount out of my workouts and out of my practice work. They're a big part of preparing and recovering each week.

She [Mandy Ingber] brought yoga into my life. It completely changed my life . . . It's one of the most fun workouts I've ever had . . . So have fun and work hard because it will totally pay off.