Working The System Quotes

What I have done is to show the importance for the working of the economic system of what may be termed the institutional structure of production.

At the World Bank we are already working with our clients in developing countries to improve their governance systems collect taxes fight corruption and recover stolen assets.

And under our system much like you see in the U.K. of course a party working with another party can form a coalition and govern the country.

In the aftermath of September 11 and as the 9/11 Commission report so aptly demonstrates it is clear that our intelligence system is not working the way that it should.

Our company is working with Disney to create a game for children between the ages of maybe four and 12 so we can teach them what the capitalist system is all about.

I don't think the idea of working in Hollywood really exists anymore. I think you work in films and where the film is shot is where it's shot. The studio system doesn't really exist.

If you think the system - not you - but if your viewers think that the current political system is working well and serving the interest of our country then what we're doing will not be attractive.

Democracy is not possible without effectively working legal system.

Possibly the only real object-oriented system in working order. (About Internet

Let's make sure that we are working for age-appropriate sex education in our school system.

The greatest performance improvement of all is when a system goes from not-working to working.

No international court can ever substitute for a working national justice system. Or for a society at peace.

No international court can ever substitute for a working national justice system. Or for a society at piece.

We have taken appropriate steps to ensure that we have the safest possible system. We're working with federal officials.

Becoming a member of the NR is not just about working smarter. It's about building a system to replace yourself.

Challenging power structures from the inside working the cracks within the system however requires learning to speak multiple languages of power convincingly.

Everyone understands that in a modern economy - transparency accountability a working justice system are part of having a functioning modern society.

The system is not working. That is how a paradigm shift begins: the established way of seeing the world no longer functions.

I have had the great good fortune of working with a true genius of yoga Karuna Erickson in developing a new system called Heart Yoga.

It is necessary to begin where the world is if we are going to change it to what we think it should be. That means working in the system