Work Finished Quotes

I'm famously secretive about my work. Nobody reads my books till they're finished.

Dad was a bus driver and when he finished work he would repair cars.

Those critics awards come and go every year but the finished movie is your work.

I do tend to feel more connected to dead writers perhaps because they have finished their work.

I never looked at hockey as work. Now that I'd finished playing I had to go to work.

In the city we work until quitting time. On the farm we work until the job is finished.

I write and rewrite and rewrite and write and like to turn in what I think is finished work.

For me once I've worked on something and it's finished it's like an ex-boyfriend: you don't go back to them.

I think this last film I finished 'The Butler ' is the closest I will come to as a work-for-hire.

I don't read much when I'm working. When I'm finished work I don't want a thing to do with words.

It is finished' is the triumphant cry that what I came to do has been done. All is accomplished completed fulfilled work.

I have offices all over the place and I avoid work everywhere. I don't like to write - I like to be finished.

I never want projects to be finished; I have always believed in unfinished work. I got that from Schubert you know the 'Unfinished Symphony.'

A lot of scientists hate writing. Most scientists love being in the lab and doing the work and when the work is done they are finished.

Generalised anger and frustration is something that gets you in the studio and gets you to work - though it's not necessarily evident in anything that's finished.

A finished work is exactly that requires resurrection.

Experimentalists never know when their work is finished.

No great work of art is ever finished.

Work on one thing at a time until finished.

Half finished work generally proves to be labor lost.

A work is finished when an artist realizes his intentions.

One's work may be finished someday but one's education never.

A work of art is never finished. It is merely abandoned.

When Xena finished I just really wanted to work with Shakespeare's material.

Elaboration is not beauty and sand-paper never finished a piece of bad work.

Labor is work that leaves no trace behind it when it is finished.

Jesus sat down to demonstrate to us that the work is indeed finished.

No work of Art is really ever finished. They only stop at good places.

When the effective leader is finished with his work the people say it happened naturally.

In the realm of Greater Understanding the workshop is dismantled after the work is finished.

If you don't have enough time to accomplish something consider the work finished once it's begun.

I just finished Colson Whitehead's "The Underground Railroad " which I think is a work of genius.

no work of art is ever finished nothing is ever static no performance is for keeps.

Finished things cease to be a shelter for the spirit; but work in progress is a delight.

A work is perfectly finished only when nothing can be added to it and nothing taken away.

A poem is a finished work of the mind it is not the work of a finished mind.

I work on a political subject quite often and the paintings for me are not finished until they're printed.

The finished product is not finished when the actor is. The work is completed by a pair of shears.

Now let us find solace in the finished work of our Lord Jesus. Everything is fully done: justice demands no more.

When I do the permanent projects or the big projects when a work is finished that's the beginning of its life.

Conservation is a cause that has no end. There is no point at which we will say our work is finished.

You may not have finished today but the work you did got you closer than if you would have done nothing.

After you have finished a piece of work the work is then none of your business. Go on and do something else.

A piece of art is never a finished work. It answers a question which has been asked and asks a new question.

Because of Jesus' finished work of the cross He will never be angry with you nor rebuke you even when you fail.

Properly speaking such work is never finished; one must declare it so when according to time and circumstances one has done one's best.

A richer present I design A finished form of work divine Surpassing all the power of art; A thinking head a grateful heart.

A work of art is finished from the point of view of the artist when feeling and perception have resulted in a spiritual synthesis.

If you're in a good profession it's hard to get bored because you're never finished - there will always be work you haven't done.

The work of a master reeks not of the sweat of the brow - suggests no effort - and is finished from its beginning.

You must learn to see the world as being produced by evolution; as a something which is evolving and becoming not as a finished work.

I write in my sleep. I don't know how but I'll work on a song go to sleep and it's finished when I wake up.

The artist himself is often surprised at the finished work of art. He cannot tell 'how it happened' nor could he repeat the feat at someone's bidding.

I used to hate to go to school because when it was Friday afternoon and everybody was finished school I knew I was going to work Saturday and Sunday.

The artistic impulse seems not to wish to produce finished work. It certainly deserts us half-way after the idea is born; and if we go on it is labor.

The fact is I am growing old too fast alas! I feel it and yet work I will and may God grant me life to see the last plate of my mammoth work finished.