What's Best Quotes

I don't know what's best for other people.

Those who always know what's best are a universal pest.

You're the only one who can decide what's best for you.

People optimize locally - that is they do what's best for themselves.

You've never been a teenager sweetie. You know what's best for you.

Once you figure out what's best for the story take out the rest.

Grown people with rational minds somehow do not know what's best for them.

Guys are control freaks and hate when other people know what's best for them

Those who know what's best for us must rise and save us from ourselves.

In trusting Allah remember that what's best for you might be what's most painful.

You know what's best for you and you know what will make you happy.

God save us from the people who want to do what's best for us.

GM will do what's best for GM and Delphi should do what's good for them.

A leader knows what's best to do; a manager knows merely how best to do it.

My whole take on libertarianism is simply that I don't know what's best for other people.

I'm not here to judge I'm here to empower women to figure out what's best for them.

Don't allow your emotions to get in the way of clearheaded decisions about what's best for you.

I think parents generally know what's best for their children. But I suppose it's possible to be overprotective.

There are situations where the best solution still doesn't make everyone happy. The trick is understanding what's best.

Today rather than looking for the worst in people I encourage you to look for what's best within them.

It's very nice having my mum as my agent. You know that she's always doing what's best for you.

If you don't do what's best for your body you're the one who comes up on the short end.

The hardest choices in life aren't between what's right and what's wrong but between what's right and what's best.

You can't change people but most importantly unless you're their momma you don't even know what's best for them.

I know you'll do what's best for Annabeth." "How can you be sure?" "Because she'd do the same for you.

The most customer-centric organizations can answer any question by deciding what's best for the customer without ever having to ask.

By temperament and disposition and emotions I'm a liberal; but in my beliefs about what's best for the country I'm a centrist.

Look inside yourself for the answers - you're the only one who knows what's best for you. Everybody else is only guessing.

I'm not politically vocal. I just want what's best for our country. I want our rights respected and those of my son's.

Sometimes we don't know what's best until we're forced into it. Often you can be just as happy or even happier with less.

The main goal in any criminal statute is to produce what's best for the victim. And sometimes a mandatory minimum doesn't accomplish that.

All decent parents want to do what's best for their children. The Chinese just have a totally different idea of how to do that.

If you ask what's best for the country vote Republican. If you ask how will you get more money from the government vote Democrat

Some coaches think they know everything but they really don't. They tell you what they think is best but it's really what's best for them.

People didn't love all of this when they still had it. If you love something you do what's best for it. You don't destroy it.

Yes it's funny isn't it? You try to do what's best for the people you love and you just end up in trouble for your efforts.

Suge is the boss of Death Row the don you understand? But im the underboss the capo. That's my job to what's best for Death Row

We [with Donald Trump] just have a different view about what's best for growing the economy how we make investments that will actually produce jobs and rising incomes.

I know what's best for the President. I put him in the White house. He does well when he listens to me and poorly when he does not.

We depend on our rivers and dams for energy transportation irrigation and recreation and I will continue this year to fight for what's best for the Pacific Northwest.

Greatly talented performers don't know - often spectacularly - what's best for them don't know what their talents really are and don't know what's just plain wrong for them.

When you're dating abstinence is a greater expression of love than making love because you're doing what's best for your beloved not just what feels good in the moment.

The Left Elite only pretend to be concerned about what's best for everyone else because it is the most effective way to manipulate you and your children into their abyss.

We as governors whether we're Republican or Democrat we really believe that we know what's best for our people. And in Arizona and particularly we're very interested about natural resources.

[Martin Scorsese ] basically works just like any other director. You work the scene you try to find what's best in it and make it work. That's what it was like.

When we think we know people inside out and we think we know what's best for them we should try to remember we don't even know what's best for ourselves.

Life is made up of desires that seem big and vital one minute and little and absurd the next. I guess we get what's best for us in the end.

YouKu' means what's best and what's cool in Chinese. So the whole product philosophy really revolves around how to help users from a massive video database finds what's best and what's cool.

We have to allow people in the states to make their own decisions to get government agencies out of the way and let local people make decisions about what's best for them.

In a press conference everyone is required to be like "I'm just trying to do what's best for the team " but really?! It's a hilarious lie that everybody allows to be told.

With more money brings more fear and when you're trying to be creative in a fear-based environment it's dangerous. Then decisions are made out of fear not what's best for the film.

I've always thought of the audience. I just want to entertain the audience. That's what it's about: what's good for the movie what's best for the movie what's best for the audience.

Sometimes we just have to cut off the dead branches in our life. Sometimes that's the only way we can keep the tree alive. It's hard and it hurts but it's what's best.

I fail all the time but we are all just human and imperfect but you know what's best for you so follow your gut. That's probably my biggest life lesson follow your gut.

I don't feel any obligation to make my intentions for a song accessible to a listener or an audience. I'm not interested in conveying anything to them so much as what's best for me.

At least he's alive and well. I love him enough that I want that. I want him to have what's best for him." She sighed. "I just don't want to stick around to watch.

I have to believe that I know what's best for me. For instance I choose all my songs. I never record anything I don't want to record. No one tells me what concerts to do.

This summer is going to be a different summer for a lot of people. Everyone is going to take care of their own business and everyone is going to do what's best for them including me.

I have two boys on the autism spectrum. I don't always know what's best for them. However I know there is grace for me in this area. I know there are parents in a similar space.

When you work for other people you'll find ... that they do know what's best for them and for the company. And you should listen to them and be respectful but they don't know what's best for you.

Some of the worst things that have happened in my career like things getting leaked have actually been what's best for me because people knew when I was on that show that I was really growing up.

You have to do what's best for you and what's going to make you happy at the end of the day because no one can live with the consequences or anything that comes with your decision besides you.

I love a good cliffhanger. I love when big events happen in shows. I love shows that aren't afraid to take risks and to really do what's best for the story line and realistic for the story line.

I may see a way I want to do something and I understand when you have a team everybody can't do their own thing. I'm willing to put my own agenda aside to do what's best for the team.

The reason why we often get poor advice is that it's hard to find a person who always has our best interest at heart isn't envious in any way and at no level thinks he knows what's best for you.

What is best and most necessary usually happens.

The best artists know what to leave out.

I'm happy when I'm doing what I do best

Inferiority is what you enjoy in your best friends.

I made sacrifices willingly; it was what I did best.

The most basic question is not what is best but who shall decide what is best.

The best work is not what is most difficult for you; it is what you do best.

Liverpool was an industrial town a poor town. The people fought hard for what they wanted to achieve and there was a hunger there and that hunger has remained with the musicians.

That's what Tiggers do best!

It's best to know what the enemy are saying.

It's your Birthday Just do what You do best Chill out!!

That's what I like to do: bring out the best in people.

I've had a lot of practice and wrong's what I do best.

You know what the best thing about morning ski trips are? McDonald's!

If it's time to go remember what you're leaving. Remember the best.

Really who's the best at what they do? There's always room for improvement.

I just killed my best friend... and my worst enemy. What's the difference?

I think it's best to date someone who doesn't do what you do.

When you don't know what you're doing it's best to do it quickly.

What's the best thing you can do for your writing? Construct a boring life.

Good writing is difficult no matter what the reader's age-and children deserve the best.

When the world is running down you make the best of what's still around.

U2's best work has always been when we didn't know what we're doing.

When distractions are manifold it's best to remember what you are supposed to be doing.

When Garri Kasparov wrestles with his conscience he always wins. It's what he's best at.

the rest of the girls pretended not to notice. That's just what best friends do.

The best way to know what's in the soup is to boil yourself in it.

You do the best you can with what's thrown at you then you try again.

I know I've got to just keep throwing the ball. That's what I do best.

The best advice is not to write what you know it's to write what you like.

So what's your style preference? (Grace) For what I have in mind nudity works best. (Julian)

No one can understand whatâ??s the best thing for you to do other than yourself.

For me the best rock is not what you play - it's what you're not playing.

What people say doesn't really matter. It's best to just brush it off and move on.

What's highest and best for you is always what's highest and best for everyone around you.

What's the best angle to cut someone's throat? Well usually from behind. That's usually how it works.

What is a butterfly? At best He's but a caterpiller drest. The gaudy Fop's his picture just.

Prescription: A physician's guess at what will best prolong the situation with least harm to the patient.

Whether it's string writing or whatever I try to write for what each instrumentalist can do best.

Use what you have to run toward your best - that's how I now live my life.

Maturity is doing what you think is best even when your mother thinks it's a good idea.

I'm playing against great players playing against the best in the world. The competition-that's what I've always wanted.

Peers can be the best teachers because they're the ones that remember what it's like to not understand.

I know I'm not exactly a bombshell but one has to make the best of what one's got.

That's the thing about best friends. That's what they do. They keep you from spinning off the edge.

I'm doing the best I can with what I got and that's all anybody in my band is doing.

What's the best way of communicating in the world today? Television? No. Telegraph? No. Telephone? No. Tell a woman.

I want to be the best I can be no matter what the circumstances. That's how I was raised.

Television is what we're all very attracted to because that's where the best writing and the best characters are.

The greatest contribution you can make to women's rights is to be the absolute ... best at what you do.

What's best about those seaside towns is that they are like time warps and that's why people go there.

The best part is coming." "What's the best part? You swallowing an entire cow whole?" "No. That's the finale.

If you want to be a good writer be the best writer in the world. That's what I've done.

I try to be the best I can be at what I can do and that's playing hard & rebounding.

I never think about my best interests. I think about what's the right thing to do in a situation.

Do what's in front of you as well as possible. Keep going until you realize what you're best at.

I don't know what's going to happen to me tomorrow. That's why I don't save my best for last.

You donâ??t know whatâ??s going to happen in the end and thatâ??s what the best plays are.

Offensively you do what you do best and you do it again and again. Defensively you attack your opponent's strength.

I try my best to find variety in what I'm doing but there's a lot out there that's the same.

I'm a huge Twitter dork! That's the best way for fans to keep informed about what's going on with me.

What the best and wisest parent wants for his own child that that must community want for all it's children.

You just have to smile and breathe. You do the best you can with what you have and that's it.

I'm satisfied to go in at the bottom - that's the best way to learn what things are all about.

The best way to use the auto-tune is not to! And that's what I do: I do not use auto-tune!

I get angry if I do things wrong but that's what keeps me going. I want to do my best.

You're my best friend in the scene and together we can make sense of what's going on by being Together.

The Enemy of the best is the good. If you're always settling with what's good you'll never be the best.

You know what's sad about this? Not the gambling but the best way to reach college athletes is the Cartoon Network.

North Carolina is an amazing place. It has the best food and also has folks fighting really hard for what's right.

The best way to survive life is - never fret over what you don't get. There's a bigger plan for you.

My hair is always at its best in New York. I don't know what's in the water. It could be mousse.

The essence of all reincarnation is to have the best lifetime now that you've ever had no matter what's going on.

A company's best advantage should be a quality product offered at the right price. That fair competition is what drives innovation.

Diogenes was asked what wine he liked best; and he answered as I would have done when he said "Somebody else's".

I don't have a belief problem I have a focusing weakness. I focus on what's loudest instead of what feels best.

The best way to get Americans to focus on what's happening in Afghanistan is by using the example of their own.

I'm just doing what I do best and that's what makes good music and that's how you can relate to people.

When you know your not going to die you have to ask yourself... What's the highest and best use for myself.

Think before you speak. Spend less than what you make. And whatever happens try to make the best of what's going on.

So what's your second suggestion?" "Tread lightly." "That's it? That's the best advice you can give me?" "All right tread very lightly.

Surfing frees everything up. It's just the best soul fix. Life should be stress free and that's what surfing is all about.

You could be the world's best garbage man the world's best model; it don't matter what you do if you're the best.

Iâ??m not intellectually convinced that one-man one-vote is the best. We practise it because thatâ??s what the British bequeathed us

If I'm on the court I have to do what I do best and that's try to go hard to the basket.

I got what I needed instead of what I wanted and that's just about the best kind of luck you can have.

Let's make health care a meritocracy. Access to the best care goes to people who did what they could to avoid becoming ill.

There's absolutely no limit to what plain ordinary working people can accomplish if they're given the opportunity and encouragement to do their best.

When you're dealing with subjective matters there's no wrong or right answer it's just "What do we think is best for the show?

The bottom line is that I like my first drafts to be blind unconscious messy efforts; that's what gets me the best material.

What's the best type of light? Why that would be available light... and by available light I mean any damn light is available.

Always strive to give your spouse the very best of yourself; not what's leftover after you have given your best to everyone else.

That's what I love about Nashville and the music community - seeing kids around acoustic music and bluegrass picking parties is the best.

I think each negotiation should be based on what's the best decision - taking everything into account not taking one thing into account.

Nothing's perfect the world's not perfect. But it's there for us trying the best it can; that's what makes it so damn beautiful.

It's nice when I get offered small parts. But I really think that 'SNL' is what my skill set is best designed for.

Boys like it when you're mean. That's what I'm best at. I make them feel so bad about themselves all out of fun.

Have you any idea what it's like to live under the same roof as four women? Armageddon is the best word for it.

When parents or gamers ask me 'What's the best game to play?' I say that playing face-to-face is more beneficial than playing online.

What's genius about 'Gravity' is that you are close upon the actors but 3D works best when you have foreground middle ground and background.

When you are racing in an able-bodied competition you're all equal and you go out there and try your best and that's what counts.

The best bosses understand the people working for them. That's the first component: what makes my people tick? What are they in it for?

If you gave your best to what you were given at the time it's going to play out how it's going to play out.

That's the cool thing about having a best friend. They know what your pain feels like already so you don't have to explain it.

What? It's my job as best friend to make sure he's not a serial killer. Or an English major not sure which one's worse.

You can tell what was the best year of your father's life because they seem to freeze that clothing style and ride it out.

You can not be the judge of another's wishes. If you love someone you must believe that they know what is best for themselves.

No one can tell you what to do or push you around. It gives you a secure feeling. That's the best thing about money.

I owe what is best in my own development to the impression made by Kant's works the sacred writings of the Hindus and Plato.

You know what I love best about baseball? The pine tar the resin the grass the dirt - and that's just in the hot-dogs.

Sometimes knowing what's right isn't a rational decision or even what works on paper. Sometimes leaving is the best course of action after all.

What I tell people is be the best version of yourself in anything that you do. You don't have to live anybody else's story.

I sing and I really should've stuck with it because it's really what I love to do. It's probably what I'm best at too.

He's a better person when she's around and isn't that what friends are for to raise you up and keep you at your best?

That's what really seems to be the more difficult aspect - to have the men break through and challenge the best players in the world.

I wish Elton Brand the best. He's a great guy. He's always going to be a great friend of mine regardless of what goes on.

Krispy Kreme claims the 'batter is the best part.' Same with an Obama speech. It's all about what's on the outside not what's inside.

That's what I try to do each and every week is give my best effort and not give up no matter what comes at us.

Most learning is social or what I call the cultural DNA. Everyone knows that word of mouth advertising is the best advertising. That's social learning.

You can live a healthy lifestyle and do the best to be aware of your body and conscious and that's what I attempt to do.

That's what liberalism is all about is promoting incompetence on the basis it's fair because people would be the best if they weren't discriminated against.

The rest of what I learned about baseball came from Peter Gammons the Boston Globe`s best baseball writer when I was in high school.

Evolution is a fact. It is the best explanation of what is known from observations. It's a theory as powerful as the theory of gravity.

To be the key player in creating and scoring goals that's what I take pride in and the thing I know how to do best.

I would be very proud if one day I'm held in the same esteem as George Best or Beckham. It's what I'm working hard towards.

I understand what it's like to go to hospitals and there's no medicine and the best thing you have to give the patients is compassion.

There are times when what's happening in rock is the best music in the world and there are times when there is nothing worthwhile at all.

Courtney Love is a loose cannon. She says what she thinks. She's wild on the red carpet. You get the best sound bites from Courtney Love.

You have to know what's happening in the locker rooms you have to know what's happening at the grass-roots level. That's the best way to work.

It means you never know what's going to happen ' I said. 'You do your best then take your chances. Everything else is beyond our control.

So everything lets us down including curiosity and honesty and what we love best. Yes said the voice but cheer up it's fun in the end.

As far as playing playing festivals and everything I feel like that's what I was born to do. I'm an entertainer hopefully in the best sense.

If you're in government the right thing to do is be focused on solving real problems and asking what's the best solution to a particular problem.

This guy [Tyson Fury] really wants to prove himself in the ring and confirm what he keeps telling everyone that he's the best in the world.

The time that people aren't expecting what's going to happen I find that's the best time to really cause the damage that needs to be done.

Some of the best actors think they're terrible; that's what keeps you connected to a vulnerability that makes it possible for people to empathize with you.

Best team player? As good as Lebron James is I have to go with Messi. What he's doing he's on pace to becoming the best ever.

] I'm loyal to my thoughts to my friends. This is what I really like the best. Loyalty. Sounds goody-goody. Maybe that's not the one you wanted.

[On Lisa Kudrow:] She's like the best kind of jazz there is. You don't know what note she's going to hit and it's always a surprise.

I think today's athletes generally are spoiled by what's happened to salaries but I also think that golfers have maintained the best demeanor of any sport.

Actually you know what? You keep thinking I'm God's gift to women angel. It's better for me if you believe I'm the best you can get.

It's rare to have a best friend who is also your brother and also an NFL football player and he knows exactly what I'm talking about.

Kids don't know about best sellers. They go for what they enjoy. They aren't star chasers and they don't suck up. It's why I like them.

There's a difference between being a poseur and being someone who's so emotionally challenged they're kind of just doing their best to show you what they've got.

The combination of what's written and just being in the moment is always the best way. You gotta start out with something solid and then you play.

If you want to buy something; itâ??s obviously in your best interest to convince the seller that what heâ??s got isnâ??t worth very much.

The best advice I got throughout my career was understanding what my current managers' pains and challenges are - it's not always just about hitting the number.

Politics is not a game. Thousands of people's jobs and services depended on what the GLC did and they expected us to do the best we could.

I'm generally somebody who hopes for the best. It's not what one ought to do in my line of work [screenwriting] but it is what I do.

Music I think is best when it honestly explores personal demons and it stirs around in the silt of the psyche to find out what's really there.

You concentrate on what you are doing to do the best job you can to stay out of serious situations. And that's the way the X-1 was.

I'm just living my life and I'm being the best mother that I can and showing that on 'Teen Mom' because that's what that show is about.

All the best performers bring to their role something more something different than what the author put on paper. That's what makes theatre live. That's why it persists.

Sometimes the best map will not guide you you can't see what's round the bend. Sometimes the road leads through dark places sometimes the darkness is your friend

I'm not sure what [my latest works are] about but I'm convinced they're the best things I've done and I'm going to the world's best museums with them.

It's really difficult to know what is the best way forward when you're not getting a lot of support - and probably most writers aren't getting enough support.

The best way to break down that fear is to spend time with somebody put yourself in somebody else's shoes understand what the other person is going through.

Work is work; wherever I'm working I do the best I can. If the actual dollars come from investors as opposed to taxpayers and patrons what's the difference?

It's just trying everyday to do the best you can and to enjoy what you have with the mixture of the venue and the sound and the crowd.

When I was in the studio with Madonna we would work 12-hour days. If you want to work with the best then that's what you have to do.

My dad always told me 'I don't care what you do. Just aim to be the best at it. Even if it's the world's best window cleaner.'

The best visual effects are when you shoot as much of what you can in camera. And it's really good for the actor's performance to have something real.

In my mind being overdressed is not a bad thing at all. What's the worst case scenario? That you are the best-dressed person in the room? Who cares!

Every man has a different idea of what's beautiful and it's best to take the gesture the shadow of the branch and let the mind create the tree.

What's the best way to get a good spouse? The best single way is to deserve a good spouse because a good spouse is by definition not nuts.

Clear perception is the cornerstone and an absolute necessity for living your best life - and that's exactly what the focus of a yoga practice should be all about.

Even though I really admire what Beyonce does and she's probably got one of the best live shows in the world - honestly! - that's so not my style.

Your first thought is often the best one. You know the one that felt too weird or silly or stupid. Trust your imagination - it knows what it's doing.

When you share work and you have the opportunity of seeing people you like doing what they do best and you also interchange socially with them it's very addictive.

To me it's always a luxury to be able to work with the best of the best because they make it easier for you to do what you do.

We still nurse a sense of our homogeneity and difference from others and that's precisely what the European Union in my view should be doing its best to undermine.

The best part of touring still is touching people's hearts and igniting my band and igniting the people into what you call a spiritual revelation is sound and emotion.

I like going into a school matinee. I like to be behind the stage because there's a spy-hole and what you see is the best moment in all theatre.

I thought there was something in Ted Cruz`s dignity that prevented him by endorsing a candidate like that because that was the best explanation of what he did.

Look whether it be indifferently as well for sins secret as open what you find to be your best cordials to comfort you whether God's Word or natural means.

I mean people think I'm too intense for baseball. I've always excelled to be the best no matter what but it's like people think something is wrong with that.

I don't come up with ideas they come to me. I write them down and try to convey what's wrong with me to the audience as best I can.

Play because it's fun and not to become a pro. If your goal is to become pro the best way to realize that is by loving what you do.

What state surveillance actually is is best understood by the NSA's own documents and own words which I think as you know I happen to have a lot of.

Personally I have always felt that the best doctor in the world is the Veterinarian. He can't ask his patients what is the matter...he's just got to know.

I can't really explain what it's like to be in love but I feel like it's being comfortable. It's almost like having a best friend. It's a beautiful thing.

If you look at the best-seller list for American fiction they're all sequels to detective stories or stories about hunting serial killers. That's what's called American fiction these days.

You slept with Curran and you didn't tell me? I'm your best friend." "It didn't come up." "How disappointing for you." Ha-ha. "That's not what I meant.

I have reached a place in my life where I need to sit down and say 'Well what do I do? What's best for me?' I need to look into options for the future.