What Is Done? Quotes

What is uttered is finished and done with.

Do what you haven't done is the key I think.

What the Internet has done is it has decentralised power.

What is right to be done cannot be done too soon.

What a man does defiles him not what is done by others.

The whole point of getting things done is knowing what to leave undone.

What keeps me going is a constant sense of disappointment with what I've already done.

The Nobel Peace Prize is not awarded for what one has done but hopefully what one will do.

I think HTML5 is one area where Mozilla has done very poorly at actually communicating what we have done.

Slavery is as an example of what white America has done a constant reminder of what white America might do.

A man is the sum of his actions of what he has done of what he can do Nothing else.

My dad always taught me to never be satisfied to want more and know that what is done is done.

Users do not care about what is inside the box as long as the box does what they need done.

It is a most mortifying reflection for a man to consider what he has done compared to what he might have done.

What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal