Well-balanced Quotes

It is vain to expect a well-balanced government without a well-balanced society.

I am even-tempered and emotionally well balanced

A well-balanced mind is the best remedy against affliction.

A well-balanced person is one who finds both sides of an issue laughable.

A well balanced inclusive approach is essential for the proper government of any country.

It is the calm forgiving equable well-balanced mind that does the greatest amount of work.

I've never lost perspective on who I am. Well maybe briefly but generally I'm pretty balanced.

Steinway is the finest piano ever made. Its tone is magnificent and its well-balanced action superb.

I'm interested in people's darker side the ones that aren't easy and well balanced. The cracks.

If caregivers are not healthy mentally well-balanced and spiritually sound then those for whom they care will suffer.

I have a microphone on one ankle and an ankle bracelet on the other so I'm well balanced today.

Keep a sense of humor that keeps you balanced and you'll do quite well with it all I'm sure.

A few well-designed movements properly performed in a balanced sequence are worth hours of doing sloppy calisthenics or forced contortion.

A well balanced inclusive approach according to certain standards and ideals is essential for the proper governance of any country.

I think if you create well balanced characters that are well represented boys and girls relate to them whether they're boys or girls.

The fact that I'm going to be unsuccessful at times is pretty well-balanced by the fact that I'm going to be successful at others.

The universe is so well balanced that the mere fact that you have a problem also serves as a sign that there is a solution.

Then in the spirit of benevolence "Your face is well balanced." She slapped him encouragingly on the back "You have very long eyelashes. Like a cow.

I have a well-balanced show. It's 50/50 on men/women and also African-American/white writers it's the same thing. I have four African-American writers and four non-African-American writers.

The great systems that inform the world about the truth and life invariably claim to be absolutely truthful and well-balanced. In reality they are quaking bridges built out of yearning.

All mentally well-balanced persons know that we are not governed by the true principals of social justice when we make the main aim of our social existence the gaining of money.

In my own mind we are a much happier and much more functional family and a much more well balanced group of individual s both off and on the stage - in the current incarnation.

Human nature is pretty well balanced; for every lacking virtue there is a rough substitute that will serve at a pinch--as cunning is the wisdom of the unwise and ferocity the courage of the coward.

A well-balanced person has a drink in each hand.

1 Peter 5 - Be well balanced because Satan 'roams about like a hungry lion seeking who he can devour.

All in all it was a smooth race the car was very well balanced. I'm very proud to be the first winner here in India.