Week End Quotes

I come from the theater. Nothing is as difficult as working eight shows a week. Period. End of story.

Pretty much whoever wins the tournament at the end of the week is the guy that putted probably the best.

The End of a long week with Viking Leader AKA DJ Virgo AKA Avicii! So many great songs! #icantwait #revolution

By the end of Fashion Week my apartment is covered with makeup and clothes and shoes. Everything you can think of.

Marry Ann; and at the end of a week you'll find no more inspiration in her than in a plate of muffins.

We saw a fair bit of video on them towards the back end of the week and we were licking our lips.

People only worry about the uncanny for about a week; that's the end of their attention span. After that suspicions turn into shtick.

I used to get my money at the end of the week buy my mum something or buy a record and that was it.

Man is not an end but a beginning. We are at the beginning of the second week. We are children of the eighth day.

Resolved to ask myself at the end of every day week month and year wherein I could possibly in any respect have done better.

Does anybody who gave up smoking to save a pound a week have a pound at the end of the week? Not on your life.

I always do a mental audit at the end of the week to make sure Im balancing time between my career and my personal life.

I always do a mental audit at the end of the week to make sure I'm balancing time between my career and my personal life.

One week I'll get pancakes at Bongo Room the next week I go to Kuma's Corner. But I always end up at Coldstone. I love ice cream.

It may not seem like much but think of the consequences. One overdue library book today the collapse of the universe by the end of the week.

I first travelled to Africa at the end of 1996 and was immediately captivated. I had planned on a three-week trip and I ended up staying two months.

I think you fall out of love with theater while you're doing your eighth show of your eighteenth week and your body is saying "Please make this end.

I've become fascinated by the idea that it's really achievable to make two or three small improvements in a week and by the end of the year it's 150 improvements.