Waterfront Quotes

The most realistic blood I've seen is when Marlon Brando gets beat up in On The Waterfront.

The only guy who was at all helpful as a producer was Sam Spiegel with On the Waterfront. He's one of the few who even knows what he's doing.

As you get older you're doing different parts but the young people like yourself they keep you excited because they'll see Waterfront and they'll want to talk about it.

The waterfront without the Ferry Tower would be like a birthday cake without a candle.

I run in London in San Francisco - any city that's got a waterfront or park.

A generous donor (who had no doubt lived a life that imperiled his mortal soul) had granted [the Sisters] more than one hundred waterfront acres.

[It is] the most hideous waterfront structure ever inflicted on a city by a combination of architectural conceit and official bad taste. the Cathedral of Asphalt.

As a playwright you can cover a lot of waterfront without being able to hold your own against an expert in any of those areas. I have no illusions about that.