Voiceless Quotes

Voiceless it cries Wingless flutters Toothless bites Mouthless mutters.

Where does discipline end? Where does cruelty begin? Somewhere between these thousands of children inhabit a voiceless hell

The mere fact of an American being present could help save the lives of innocent people. That's why I believe in the importance of bearing witness to become a voice for the voiceless.

Science is voiceless; it is the scientists who talk.

There's really no such thing as the 'voiceless'. There are only the deliberately silenced or the preferably unheard.

Sometimes strident often tender never afraid and seldom without humour Desmond Tutu's voice will always be the voice of the voiceless.

I am not anxious to be the loudest voice or the most popular. But I would like to think that at a crucial moment I was an effective voice of the voiceless an effective hope of the hopeless.

Our party has always been the voice of the powerless and the voiceless.

I love the power of celebrity because you can give voice to the voiceless.

How poor this world would be without its graves without the memories of its mighty dead. Only the voiceless speak forever.

From the beginning of my time as Secretary-General I have sought to advance a practical action-oriented vision of the U.N. as the voice of the voiceless and the defender of the defenceless.

He who hides his madman dies voiceless.

Even the blind and meek and voiceless have gods.

The stork is voiceless because there is really nothing to say.

Lost Echo sits amid the voiceless mountains And feeds her grief.


In snowbound voiceless mountain depths to herald spring pine trees sound in tune.


Recorded history is wrong. It's wrong because the voiceless have no voice in it.

My story is the story of forgotten people and the voice of the voiceless.

Be a voice for the voiceless y'all. This world needs more love and hope!

The irony is that musical artists have enormous public voices but behind the scenes we're voiceless actually.

Donald Trump is basically giving voice to a lot of people who have felt that they were voiceless.

Through words he gave voice to the voiceless. Through deeds he gave courage to the faint of heart.

Rap comes from the oral tradition. The oral tradition gives voice to those who would've otherwise been voiceless.

It's very often the artist who gives a voice to the voiceless by speaking up when no one else will.

Ah me! the world is full of meetings such as this --a thrill a voiceless challenge and reply and sudden partings after!

Those of us who have the eyes and ears of the media have a responsibility to amplify the voices of the voiceless.

Dogs are voiceless ... a critical part of having dogs is emotional responsibility: learning how to understand them and when necessary to speak and act on their behalf.

My role [as a war correspondent] is to bring a voice to people who are voiceless [and] to shine a light in the darkest corners of the world.

But words are vain; reject them all"? They utter but a feeble part: Hear thou the depths from which they call The voiceless longing of my heart.

As one of the dumb voiceless ones I speak. One of the millions of immigrants beating beating out their hearts at your gates for a breath of understanding.

Let the voice be the voice of the voiceless and let it come from the world of rap music to keep the stereotype and the peace at the same time.

How would I like to be remembered? As a person who came and brought light to the world some escapism. Also as the voice for the voiceless children because I love them.

Johnny Cash was the champion of the voiceless the underdogs and the downtrodden. He was also something of a holy terror like Abraham Lincoln with a wild side. He represented the best of America.