Virtual Quotes

Virtual reality has nothing on Calvin.

Virtual reality is just air guitar writ large.

Virtual Reality for Formula One could be fantastic - driving the car!

Virtual reality is a self-created form of chosen reality. Therefore it exists.

Virtual sex no matter how realistic was really nothing but glorified computer-assisted masturbation.

Virtual business out sources all the work and in sources all the profits.

Virtual worlds are places of imagination that encompass practices of play performance creativity and ritual.

Cyberspace is an accident of the real. Virtual reality is the accident of reality itself.

Virtual Reality is going to be an important technology. I am pretty confident about this.

Virtual representation is so absurd as to not deserve an answer. I therefore pass it over with contempt.

Virtual reality might be able to give you a way of doing hands-on to construct ideas in a computer.

Virtual currencies used to buy digital goods inside online games have become an integral part of the Internet landscape.

[Virtual Currencies] may hold long-term promise particularly if the innovations Promote a faster more secure and more efficient payment system.

I believe that Virtual Reality will hit it big time. I know that some of my colleagues disagree but I believe in it.

During its first year of operation Florida Virtual School had 77 students. The next year it had 476 students; then 2 489 students the year after that.

Virtual Piggy was created to provide a safe way for kids to shop online with parental approval in recognition of growing digital world kids live in.

Virtual reality is a denial of reality. We need to be open to the powers of imagination which brings something useful to reality. Virtual reality can imprison people.

In advertising not to be different is virtual suicide.

Be careful about virtual relationships with artificially intelligent pieces of software.

I like live audiences with real people - virtual reality is no substitute.

I wanted to have virtual memory at least as it's coupled with file systems.

A meticulous virtual copy of the human brain would enable basic research on brain cells and circuits or computer-based drug trials.

Crucial to science education is hands-on involvement: showing not just telling; real experiments and field trips and not just 'virtual reality.'

Photography is a kind of virtual reality and it helps if you can create the illusion of being in an interesting world.

The telephone is virtual reality in that you can meet with someone as if you are together at least for the auditory sense.

It is a virtual reflex for governments to plead security concerns when they undertake any controversial action often as a pretext for something else.

Take young researchers put them together in virtual seclusion give them an unprecedented degree of freedom and turn up the pressure by fostering competitiveness.

In France a hip replacement was captured using two GoPros in a stereoscopic 3D arrangement. Students can watch the surgery using a virtual reality headset.

I'm certainly not opposed to digital technology whose graces I daily enjoy and rely on in so many ways. But I worry about our virtual blinders.

They're now turning those seeds into intellectual property so they have a virtual lock on the seeds upon which we all depend for our food and survival.

Cyber terrorism could also become more attractive as the real and virtual worlds become more closely coupled with automobiles appliances and other devices attached to the Internet.

Empty space is a boiling bubbling brew of virtual particles that pop in and out of existence in a time scale so short that you can't even measure them.

The physicality of a real relationship - one that encompasses mind body and soul - ultimately makes it more fulfilling and powerful than any virtual relationship ever could be.

The park achieved a kind of reality. Like these virtual reality games the children are playing with. I told them we were doing this 40 years ago! Disneyland is virtual reality.

Unlike 'real relationships' 'virtual relationships' are easy to enter and to exit. They look smart and clean feel easy to use when compared with the heavy slow-moving messy real stuff.

Cultures are virtual realities made of language.

We don't need virtual reality we need virtual unreality.

Seek the companionship of virtuous friends not virtual friends.

I'm a virtual worker. I'm not tied to an office.

When virtual reality gets cheaper than dating society is doomed.

One day the virtual world might win over the real world.

This virtual reality stuff is the technological equivalent really of psychedelics.

I really believe that the virtual world mirrors the physical world.

Any virtual community that works works because people put in some time.

We all live every day in virtual environments defined by our ideas.

The uncreated and the dead exist solely in our actual and virtual pasts.

It's not virtual reality until you can be tortured to death in it.

Peace is a virtual mute sustained victory of potential powers against probable greeds

Once you have perfect virtual reality what else are you supposed to perfect?

It is possible to build a virtual-reality generator whose repertoire includes every possible environment.

Because what's the point of something virtual if it doesn't end up being real?

I think [the virtual choir] speaks well to a benevolent future for the Internet.

We live in imaginary virtual worlds created by corporations that profit from our deception.

Manufactured--synthetic--even virtual if that is what you turned out to be--I would love you.

No 22-year-old should have to enter the real world already in a virtual debtors' prison.

I think that in an increasingly virtual world lovingly produced artefacts are at a premium.

Nanotechnology has been moving a little faster than I expected virtual reality a little slower.

How do you keep war accountable to the American people when war becomes invisible and virtual?

Knowledge is no guarantee of good behavior but ignorance is a virtual guarantee of bad behavior.

There is kind of a fundamental conformity which is a virtual requirement to enter into the media.

Ideals and morality are often spoken of as virtual antimatter to the behaviors allegedly needed to maximize profits.

Does virtual intimacy degrade our experience of the other kind and indeed of all encounters of any kind?

It's too late by the way with virtual reality. You can't put the genie back into the bottle.

I am Michael and I am part English Irish German and Scottish sort of a virtual United Nations.

We owe a lot to the Internet for introducing people to technology and virtual space and what not.

It would be nice if we could design a virtual reality in Hyperbolic Space and meet each other there.

There was a very consistent creation of a virtual reality and eventually it collided with our old-fashioned ordinary reality.

Online games for data-mining have a short virtual shelf life. People get bored especially if the game seems stagnant.

Friction and misunderstandings often occur when communicating across generations. It gets even more challenging when working across virtual settings.

As part of the National Strategy the Government should commit itself to the virtual elimination of functional illiteracy and innumeracy.

In the [John F.] Kennedy case I believe the absence of a conspiracy can be proved to a virtual certainty.

I'd really love to work with virtual reality at some point. You could make a killer adventure game with that.

Bookstores will not disappear but will exploit digital technologies to increase their virtual and physical inventories and perhaps become publishers themselves.

We are now able to create virtual realities on computers. Are we all living in one created by someone in the future?

The technologies of virtual reality are attempting to make us see from beneath from inside from behind... as if we were God.

We live in a world of virtual goods where none of us own the 0s and 1s. What are you going to do?

Practice beauty appreciation in as many places as possible. Nature provides a virtual smorgasbord of miracles. See the beauty in all of it.

An overly expansive virtual 'toll' for the Internet that blocks consumers' and competitors' access to the e-commerce superhighway is not the right answer.

The thing is there are so many different ways to make music these days with virtual instruments software applications physical instruments and computer programs.

The advantages of a virtual production pipeline are that you can reduce the footprint of your production down to the size of the stage.

Now with social media people essentially come into my living room my virtual living room and tell me everything that is wrong with me.

For me the virtual choir has taught me that if anything the Internet builds these post-national tribes people finding each other anyway they can.

With the parties at virtual parity and the ideological gulf between them never greater the stakes of majority control of Congress are extremely high.

A whole new series of technologies like biotechnology virtual reality and super-computerization are appearing now that are leading us away from our nature-based roots.

As the Internet of things advances the very notion of a clear dividing line between reality and virtual reality becomes blurred sometimes in creative ways.

The only thing that is fundamental (real) is consciousness itself; all else is virtual- i.e. a result of an exchange of information within consciousness.

Physical presence provides chemical relational psychological and physiological effects that virtual relationships cannot. Our brains change in the presence of another person and their behavior.

Let's get up off our knees stop cringing before bogeymen and virtual fathers face reality and help science to do something constructive about human suffering.

We're not sure that if there's chemical weapon used and who used it. We can't talk about virtual things we have to talk about facts.

Tragedy dramatizes human life as potentiality and fulfillment. Its virtual future or Destiny is therefore quite different from that created in comedy. Comic Destiny is Fortune

The best proof of the specificity of the book is that it is at once a reality of the virtual and a virtuality of the real.

The creation of a virtual image is a form of accident. This explains why virtual reality is a cosmic accident. It's the accident of the real.

I plan less and less. It's a great benefit of writing lots that you get good at holding long narratives in your head like a virtual space.

Destructors for virtual base classes are executed in the reverse order of their appearance in a depth-first left-to-right traversal of the directed acyclic graph of base classes.

There is no sadder tale in the annals of architecture than the virtual disappearance of the defining architectural form of the Modern Movement - publicly sponsored housing.

The real tight interface is between the book and the reader-the world of the book is plugged right into your brain never mind the [virtual reality] bodysuit.

We would like to see the virtual elimination of the transmission of [HIV] from mother to child by 2015. ... We believe it can be achieved with political will.

If you're having a very high-adrenaline high-movement experience in virtual reality and then all of a sudden you're back in your office that disconnect is pretty notable.

It turns out that the killer application for virtual reality is other human beings. Build a world that people want to inhabit and the inhabitants will come.

In England the practice of "virtual" representation provided reasonably well for the actual representation of the major interests of the society and it raised no widespread objection.

The screen is a window through which one sees a virtual world. The challenge is to make that world look real act real sound real feel real.

You chose me as your partner because i am the virtual image created in your brain!In reality my voice doesn't suit your image & hence we split.

I'm not against the virtual world; it's fascinating but I don't like the way they try to impose it on us. It's a thing imposed by rich countries.

I like to connect to people in the virtual world exchanging thoughts and ideas when in the physical world we might never have the opportunity to cross paths.

The exchange of words is a lot like a virtual handshake. Is the writer's grasp of the language strong and bold? Are the words gripping? Direct? Inventive? Sincere?

In a world that daily disconnects further from truth more and more people accept the virtual in place of the real and all things virtual are also malleable.

It is important always to remember that virtual contact cannot and must not take the place of direct human contact with people at every level of our lives...

Being virtually killed by a virtual laser in a virtual space is just as effective as the real thing because you are as dead as you think you are.

Sometimes I believe that this less material life is our truer life and that our vain presence on the terraqueous globe is itself the secondary or merely virtual phenomenon.

Art is the supreme communicator of diverse cultures and ideas in a common frame of understanding a virtual bridge across time. It is also the universal link into genius.

The virtual world is not the enemy. The pioneers invented a world they believed in but the followers must follow that world whether they believe in it or not.

If some unemployed punk in New Jersey can get a cassette to make love to Elle McPherson for $19.95 this virtual reality stuff is going to make crack look like Sanka.

We need to re-create boundaries. When you carry a digital gadget that creates a virtual link to the office you need to create a virtual boundary that didn't exist before.

A good story needs conflict and virtual reality is a great hypothetical way to create conflict. ... In some ways the future is going to be more boring than we think.

Once the people of planet Earth are all hanging out together online in a virtual world without any borders I think it could change social networking entertainment and even politics.

The true problem with virtual reality is that orientation is no longer possible. We have lost our points of reference to orient ourselves. The de-realized man is a disoriented man.

There is some art that says the same thing to everybody. WE need something like that. What that is I don't know. But virtual reality may be the key to it.

If you have perfect virtual reality eventually where you're be able to simulate everything that a human can experience or imagine experiencing it's hard to imagine where you go from there.

I could manage my life so much better if an app could tell me exactly when my parcels will be delivered so I don't spend the day under virtual house arrest.

Defining OO as based on the use of class hierarchies and virtual functions is also practical in that it provides some guidance as to where OO is likely to be successful

The dream of life is really an illusion and everybody lives in the reality he or she creates - a virtual reality that is only true for the one who creates it.

Everybody's saying we've got to go 3D or virtual reality or choose your own adventure. But there are other ways forward. I don't think we're done with film by a long shot.

I think that cinema and television have nothing in common. There is a breaking point between photography and cinema on the one hand and television and virtual reality on the other hand.

The thing that excites me about these informational technologies is I think we are going to be able to use virtual reality to show each other the insides of our own heads.

You know by the time you become the leader of a country someone else makes all the decisions. ... You may find you can get away with virtual presidents virtual prime ministers virtual everything.

There may be a jump on electronic LSD with virtual reality and the problem just with saying LSD enough time has gone by that there is no distinction between psychedelics and other drugs.

It is quite interesting that whilst there are tremendous theories in the 1960s when IT was born everybody was supposedly going to their cottage in the countryside to work in a virtual way.

Facebook from what I can tell is the virtual equivalent of dropping into the homes of several million people all of whom say at the same time: 'Hey! Let's set up the slide projector!

Now I see that all relationships are virtual even those that take place in person. Whether we use our bodies or a keyboard it all comes down to two minds crying out from their solitude.

I see the tool set being the same and maybe doing virtual movies and that's fine for some stories but not for others. And maybe make all CG movies but they are already doing it.