Virginity Quotes

Virginity can be lost by a thought.

Virginity is the ideal of those who want to deflower.

Ladies just a little more virginity if you don't mind.

I lost my virginity when I was 14. And I haven't been able to find it.

Virginity is not honored simply because it is virginity but because it is consecrated of God.

Security is like virginity: you're either a virgin or you're not. You either have security or you don't.

It is one of the superstitions of the human mind to have imagined that virginity could be a virtue.

Girls are losing their virginity at 15 16. I'm not promoting that. But my songs are talking... about me becoming a man.

We are all hungry and thirsty for concrete images. Abstract art will have been good for one thing: to restore its exact virginity to figurative art.

We live in a world where losing your phone is more dramatic than losing your virginity

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

I lost my virginity when I was 6 years old.

Oh that fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

The desert of virginity Aches in the hotness of her mouth.

Credibility like virginity can only be lost once and never recovered.

The tragedy of sexual intercourse is the perpetual virginity of the soul.

The world has suffered more from the ravages of ill-advised marriages than from virginity.

Often writing is like a struggle to get back to a kind of belated quite impure virginity.

It is difficult to believe in a religion that places such a high premium on chastity and virginity.

An isolated outbreak of virginity is a rash on the face of society. It arouses only pity from the married and embarrassment from the single.

It is an infantile superstition of the human spirit that virginity would be thought a virtue and not the barrier that separates ignorance from knowledge.

Virginity is such a personal thing. You can't judge anyone on it. A lot of young women feel they want to save themselves for the man who they think they'll love forever.

Then worms shall try That long preserved virginity And your quaint honor turn to dust And into ashes all my lust. The grave's a fine and private place But none I think do there embrace.

Virginity is something that can be offered to God.

Virginity is the poetry not the reality of life.

[Virginity is] a cultural ideology that conflates passivity - the act of not having sex - with superior morality.

Virginity is now a mere preamble or waiting room to be got out of as soon as possible; it is without significance.

Virginity albeit some highly prize it Compared with marriage had you tried them both Differs as much as wine and water doth.

Virginity like all monstrosities possesses special riches and its own absorbing grandeur. Among the chaste life forces are economized and thus gain in resistance and durability.

Honesty. Sobriety. My virginity. No way to regain the first two I almost gave away the last.

I'd learned myself by the age of sixteen that just as girls guarded their virginity boys guarded something less tangible which they called Themselves.

Speaking absolutely humility excels virginity.

Marriage fills the Earth virginity Heaven.

Sanity's a virginity of the mind

Losing my virginity was very boring.

I love my virginity to the apocalypse.

Losing my virginity was a career move.

All of you have now lost your virginity... in Physics!

To virginity is awarded the tribute of the highest beauty

There's nothing special about losing your virginity over a toilet.

I don't believe virginity is common as it used to be.

Bankruptcy is like losing your virginity. It doesn't hurt the next time.

I am overwhelmed by the beautiful disorder of poetry the eternal virginity of words.

The soul too has her virginity and must bleed a little before bearing fruit.

According to the virginity movement men have no self-control when it comes to anything sexual.

A library is a place where you can lose your innocence without losing your virginity.

We live in this world where loosing our phones are more dramatic than loosing our virginity.

Only a woman who had killed a man in battle was allowed to give up her virginity.

If you want to preserve your virginity it's about not wanting to belong to the human species.

Can you reclaim that free-girl smile or is it like virginity- once you loose it that's it?

Was I wearing my 'I'm done with my virginity please get rid of it for me' T-shirt?

I actually wrestled in high school. I was only in one match and I lost... my virginity.

Young people are careless of their virginity; one day they may have it and the next not.

Yes but I did manage to increase the amount of virginity in the world by that method.

It is regarded as normal to consecrate virginity in general and to lust for its destruction in particular.

Before marriage you lose your virginity. After marriage you get to give it away. Which would you rather experience?

On the day he had colonic irrigation: 'I feel I lost my virginity that day in so many ways.'

I didn't lose my virginity until I was twenty-six. Nineteen vaginally but twenty-six what my boyfriend calls "the real way".

The sidesaddle was designed to protect a maiden's virginity while risking the maiden's neck. Rather much for rather little I thought.

I came out after safe sex was invented and I always practiced safe sex. Except for when I lost my virginity.

I didn't lose my virginity until I was 18 The first time was a nightmare. Who shows you how to use a condom?

To protest I stood in the place of a waste receptacle and opened my mouth. That's how I lost my virginity *laughs*

Keep your virginity for as long as you can until it starts to feel weird to you. Then just get it over with.

There is a word we haven't used yet: virginity... To make a photograph the plate must be virgin but your eye as well.

Credit worthiness is like virginity it can be preserved but not restored very easily so it is crazy to play around with it.

Holly's theory about the army " Sharon explained. And what is it?" Denise asked intrigued. Oh that fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

A recent study announced that 52 per cent of all teens who sign virginity pledges recant them within twelve months. If I'm on my game.

Gaze not on swans in whose soft breast A full-hatched beauty seems to nest Nor snow which falling from the sky Hovers in its virginity.

I certainly went into losing my virginity terrified. Going on stage I could only have imagined the worst possible outcomes. And then it went fine.

I do not think either virginity or old age contemptible and some of the shrewdest minds I have met inhabited the bodies of old maids.

What does my smile look like now? Vivi wondered. Can you reclaim that free-girl smile or is it like virginity- once you loose it that's it?

Chastity seems to have come as a late development. What the primitive maiden dreaded was not the loss of her virginity but a reputation for sterility.

Why do they call it losing your virginity anyway? It's Not Like I don't know where I left it." "You'd be surprised how many people don't.

The first experience can never be repeated. The first love the first sun-rise the first South Sea Island are memories apart and touched a virginity of sense.

Strictly speaking one should not even rightly compare virginity to marriage because you cannot make a comparison between two things if one is good and the other evil.

If every cigarette you smoke takes seven minutes off of your life every game of Dungeons & Dragons you play delays the loss of your virginity by seven hours.

There's a reason why the assumed goal for women in virginity-movement screeds is marriage and motherhood only: The movement only believes that's the only thing women are meant for.

The bar exam's a mother. I mean for me it was. I failed it the first two times but I guess it's like losing your virginity third time's the charm.

You've really got to wear a chastity belt in Washington to preserve your journalistic virginity. Once the secretary of state invites you to lunch and asks your opinion you're sunk.

When I was raped I lost my virginity and almost lost my life. I also discarded certain assumptions I had held about how the world worked and about how safe I was.

A deep kiss can put you in an emotional state of coma sometimes in a reckless vulnerability we lose virginity and sanity and maybe our bond of love becomes strong or weak.

So you've just slept with him given him your virginity a man who doesn't love you. In fact he has odd ideas about you wants to make you some sort of kinky sex slave.