Very Sweet Quotes

By hating that person you have lost something very sweet in yourself.

Every sweet humble young model is only one campaign away from becoming a fashion monster.

Everyone tells me that I have a very sweet face! I'd like to change that. I wish I had a more flexible face!

Life is very sweet to me and there is no position of power or wealth that could tempt me from the throne God has given me.

I fed my yak on my spare Cadbury chocolate 21 0000ft up Everest. It was a blonde very sweet female yak. I made it my pet after that.

We are entirely in the care of Divine Providence and it is very sweet to remain so in peace. The Cross is never lacking; may it be our consolation.

And I think because there is an essence of me that cares about other people and what other people think then that then makes me seem very sweet and polite.

Why can't you share your bed? The most loving thing to do is to share your bed with someone. It's very charming. It's very sweet. It's what the whole world should do.

There's night and day brother both sweet things; sun moon and stars brother all sweet things; there's likewise a wind on the heath. Life is very sweet brother; who would wish to die?

It's the moms who are overaggressive. A lot of times their daughters are very sweet and cordial and the moms tend to grab you and scream and want to kiss you. You gotta watch out for the moms.

Life is sweet life is also very short.

I'm a closet Backstreet Boys fan. They're very sweet

Life is very sweet brother; who would wish to die?

Beyonce in real life is actually quite quiet and very sweet.

I was a very quiet kid. A really sweet kid I might add.

Marilyn Monroe was a very sweet girl she was a very innocent girl.

Victory is very very sweet. It tastes better than any dessert you've ever had.

I think in Mrs. C I certainly played myself. A very compulsive sweet person.

Miss Renata Tebaldi was always sweet and very firm... she had dimples of iron.

Sweet cherry wine so very fine take it on down pass it all around.

I like a girl who doesn't play any games. I like a very sweet girl.

If human lives be for their very brevity sweet then beast lives are sweeter still...

My husband is very proud of me and what I do. Which I think is really sweet.

I'm tired of praise; and love is very sweet when it is simple and sincere like this.

Impermanence is the very essence of joy-the drop of bitterness that enables one to perceive the sweet.

Yes life was very sweet and cosy with Scarlett - as long as she had her own way

The machines men are so intent on making have carried them very far from the old sweet things.

She had had sweet dreams which possibly arose from the fact that her little bed was very white.

Pierce Brosnan is a very sweet man. Oh we had our issues but a lot of it was hormones.

I usually do get to play the very sweet charming roles... but I'm not an obvious kind of villain.

Have I ever told you how glad I am we're not enemies? Eragon asked.No but it's very sweet of you.

I want someone honest someone who's very sweet to my family and friends and polite to the other people around me.

When a man meets a woman who seems too perfect too sweet or too agreeable he tends to become bored very quickly.

Love's very pain is sweet But its reward is in the world divine Which if not here it builds beyond the grave.

My new movie Fools Rush In is a romantic comedy and the girl I play in that is very warm very sweet.

I play very sweet characters so people look at me like I'm the kid from 'The Wonder Years ' rather than Brad Pitt.

The word surrender sounds horrible to one who wants to enjoy his senses but very sweet to one who has a humble heart.

Sweet May hath come to love us Flowers trees their blossoms don; And through the blue heavens above us The very clouds move on.

It must have been the lack of nutrients that gave my father his temper. He is not a sweet man despite a very sweet tooth.

I wanted something very dense something that would sustain long and more pieces of wood that would be soft sweet for more of a mellow sound.

Leeks are normally given the job of flavouring other things such as stocks and soups but I find their creaminess and sweet oniony flavour very satisfying.

The most wonderful thing I hear is people coming up and saying 'Thank you for my childhood' which still blows my mind but is very sweet.

It's a very sweet and often problematic situation where people feel like they know me and they're concerned for me. It creates these strange little intimate moments.

Having a sweet wide-eyed awkward character is more charming and allows for more range. If you come from anger you're going to reach a ceiling very quickly.

Grover: It's a very sweet love story. I get misty-eyed every time I play it. So does Percy but I think that's because he's laughing at me.

All the songs that were written for that album are just all our first sophomore songs. So they're all from real life. Very sweet and very innocent.

Whenever I go to bars in London people send me over Cosmopolitans. It's a very sweet gesture but I don't like them so they just sit there.

I'm actually a very romantic person and I would like to play in a love story. As long as it doesn't get too sweet. That's not me.

Saviour! teach me day by day Love's sweet lesson to obey;Sweeter lesson cannot be Loving Him who first loved me.Charity is the very livery of Christ.

I've had a fan who made a painting of my face with her fingers. I have put it up in my room. It was sweet and very different.

Such a large sweet fruit is a complete marriage that it needs a very long summer to ripen in and then a long winter to mellow and season it.

I think it's one of the reasons I wrote my book later in life. My parents didn't have these extreme alternations of conduct. They were very sweet to me.

When a new generation watches the films people might mention that it has improved their lovemaking. I guess it's because it isn't threatening. It was very sweet and delicate.

I wasnâ??t like 'Oh I'm going to marry 50 Cent...' I mean seriously. But I did like him. He's very sweet and antithetical to what you'd think of him.

Now the best thing is to put attention to your spirit. If you start putting your attention to spirit the sweetness of the spirit itself will make the whole thing very sweet and beautiful.

To one who has been long in city pent 'Tis very sweet to look into the fair And open face of heaven "? to breathe a prayer Full in the smile of the blue firmament.