Vanishing Quotes

I can't forgive my friends for dying; I don't find these vanishing acts of theirs at all amusing.

I've seen a look in dogs' eyes a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt and I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts.

The past itself as historical change continues to accelerate has become the most surreal of subjects - making it possible... to see a new beauty in what is vanishing.

My images are unashamedly idyllic and romantic a kind of enchanted Africa. They're my elegy to a world that is steadily tragically vanishing.

My first film 'Vanishing on 7th Street ' I really just kinda went in for it. Just gave it my all at the auditions.

I have a sense of melancholy isolation life rapidly vanishing all the usual things. It's very strange how often strong feelings don't seem to carry any message of action

I was in a movie called 'Vanishing on 7th Street ' and that was my first leading role in a movie. It's an apocalyptic thriller and it's really cool. It's the first movie I ever shot.

I represent what is left of a vanishing race and that is the pedestrian. That I am still able to be here I owe to a keen eye and a nimble pair of legs. But I know they'll get me someday.

After macrobiotics Zen and channeling the "poor Vanishing Indian" is once more the subject of "deep and meaningful conversation" in the high rises.

In the world of energy politics the sudden vanishing of the word 'coal' is a remarkable and unprecedented event.

It's not a question of McDonald's vanishing from the face of the earth. It's a question of these companies assuming some more responsibility for what they're selling.

Newspapers and magazines are vanishing. But science writers are not. In fact they are becoming so adept and varied that I hardly have time to read 'Gawker' anymore.

There's no such thing as median income; there's a curve and it really matters what side of the curve you're on. There's no such thing as the middle class. It's absolutely vanishing.

I'm not vanishing into thin air.

Photographers deal in things which are continuously vanishing...

Already the dandelions Are changed into vanishing ghosts.

Life itself is vanishing fast. Make haste for eternity.

There's no such thing as the middle class. It's absolutely vanishing.

Predominant opinions are generally the opinions of the generation that is vanishing.

The solution to the problem of life is seen in the vanishing of this problem.

Beauty is vanishing from our world because we live as though it does not matter.

The modern world is devoted to vanishing species vanishing weather and vanishing capacity for wonder.

The trouble with me is I belong to a vanishing race. I'm one of the intellectuals.

Travel is a vanishing act a solitary trip down a pinched line of geography to oblivion.

Your soul is the priestess of memory selecting sifting and ultimately gathering your vanishing days toward presence.

More and more the distinction between prayer and the rest of life seemed to be vanishing for Betsie.

The greatest justification for travel is not self-improvement but rather performing a vanishing act disappearing without a trace.

But there was something about the largest object in the solar system vanishing that tended to disrupt normal schedules.

Hardship is vanishing but so is style and the two are more closely connected than the present generation supposes.

Like vanishing dew a passing apparition or the sudden flash of lightning -- already gone -- thus should one regard one's self.

Religion is the servant of the vanishing; science of the existence! Disappearance belongs to the chaos and the Devil; existence to the God!

Even though in the world you are the most learned scholar of the time Behold the vanishing of this world and this time!

There was not a moving up into vacated places; there was simply an anachronistic staying on between a vanishing past and an incalculable future.

The more we wait the more everything and everyone looks like a grain of sand escaping between our fingers before vanishing into the wind.

One day you will tell me how to change what I cannot yet describe without my words swelling HUGE vowels vanishing tears washing ink away.

I feel myself dissolving vanishing into nothingness for if there is no one in the world who cares for you do you really exist at all?

We're all vanishing organisms and disappearing creatures in space and time - that death sentence in space in time that Kafka talked about with such profundity.

The vanishing volatile froth of the present which any shadow will alter any thought blow away any event annihilate is every moment converted into the adamantine.

Happiness is indeed a Eurydice vanishing as soon as gazed upon. It can exist only in acceptance and succumbs as soon as it is laid claim to.

We are ignorant of the Beyond because this ignorance is the condition of our own life. Just as ice cannot know fire except by melting and vanishing.

The vast majority of species that are vanishing we haven't even discovered yet. How can you possibly put them back in nature if the ecosystem is gone?

Mindfulness as defined by the Buddha means awareness of incessant change of arising and vanishing inside of your own body which is the ultimate reality of your own life.

I would just like to mention Robert Houdin who in the eighteenth century invented the vanishing birdcage trick and the theater matinee - may he rot and perish. Good afternoon.

PLUNDER v. To take the property of another without observing the decent and customary reticences of theft. To wrest the wealth of A from B and leave C lamenting a vanishing opportunity.

The older woman waiting for admittance looked at me then over her shoulder at Patch who was vanishing down the hall. â??Honey â? she told me â??he looks slippery as soap.

A man seems never to know what anything means till he has lost it; and this I suppose is the reason why losses--vanishing away of things--are among the teachings of this world of shadows.