Validation Quotes

I'm secure in who I am. I don't need the validation of those that would say you have to be a certain thing in order to be accepted. I'm comfortable going against the grain if I need to.

The logic of validation allows us to move between the two limits of dogmatism and skepticism.

A lot of people say this honor validates my career but I didn't work hard for validation.

When we consistently suppress and distrust our intuitive knowingness looking instead for authority validation and approval from others we give our personal power away.

When I was 13 I told Henry Winkler I wanted to act. He said Do it and don't let anyone stand in your way. His validation just made it all the more true. I haven't stopped thanking him since.

Some seek fame cause they need validation Some say hating is confused admiration.

If self-validation were our most significant societal measure - we would give trophies to ourselves.

Validation comes to us in two ways: through trials we overcome and through the words of older men.

You're learning to be nourished by the love you give not by the validation offered in response to your giving.

If you are any kind of an artist then validation . . . can be a result but you're going to do the work anyway.

An artist doesn't necesetharily have to get acclaim from the outside. Maybe it is much better if he can get validation from within.

I think that the majority of messages are validating messages to confirm the survival of conscious. And many times that validation message is negative or sad.

Stop looking outside for scraps of pleasure or fulfillment for validation security or love - you have a treasure within that is infinitely greater than anything the world can offer.

Don't wait on approval validation and likes from others - always give yourself the highest of approval ratings and work from there. Hold your head up and be fabulous no matter what!

If somebody sings a song that I wrote I feel like its a nice point of validation for the song because it shows that the song is able to stand on its own. I like that.

He was waiting for something from me. Acknowledgement. Validation. Commiseration perhaps. I couldn't even look at him because I was afraid of feeling any more than I already did.

I don't live my life seeking validation from people on social media.

I work hard for the audience. It's entertainment. I don't need validation.

Models are just mannequins seeking validation at the hands of sleazy fashion people.

I have never ever sought validation from the arbiters of British poetic taste

To be in 'Vogue' has to mean something. It's an endorsement. It's a validation.

We have a Father and He cares about our internal world - issues of motive issues of fear issues of validation.

The biggest place I look for validation is from my mother. That's the little girl in me that will never grow up.

People confuse fame with validation or love. But fame is not the reward. The reward is getting fulfillment out of doing the thing you love.

I think most models when they start out are insecure. And you become the focus of a lot of people's attention so outside validation becomes too important.

I don't need validation recognition or praise. What I need are facts and the facts are that one of my books gets sold somewhere in the world every second.

Everybody is looking for validation no matter who you are and I think that's a need of the human condition - to look for affection or recognition or validation.

I think I started out because I was desperate for approval and acceptance and praise. Some actors never break away from that. They're after that validation their whole life.

When we are looking for validation that will never satisfy us. When we are looking for affection for love a little bit of that will be enough to be complete.

When you go to standup there seems to be a common denominator of some form of need or want for validation from the audience that maybe you were lacking as a kid.

The fact that people still talk and obsess about 'Twin Peaks' more than twenty years after the fact is a great validation for what we thought we had going at the time.

I think the most attractive thing for me when I meet a guy is confidence and him being comfortable in his own skin. I like someone who doesn't need approval or validation.

Trauma is personal.

No matter how much one seeks recognition they are still unrecognised.

All bad behavior is really a request for love attention or validation.

Nothing is as empowering as real-world validation even if it's for failure.

Why do we want and need the validation of those who celebrate our exclusion?

What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others.

kisses explode when... someone believes in me when my heart cries out a song of thanks to yours.

When you lose need and take away the demand for validation you remain free of approval from the outside world.

You'll have less heartaches and disappointments if you stop seeking from others the things ONLY God and you can give yourself!

I used to think that prizes were damaging and divisive until I got one. And now they seem sort of meaningful and real.

The whole world is sick...we've all got this pathetic need to be seen. We're a bunch of fucking toddlers trying to get attention.

Whenever science attempts to legitimate itself it is no longer scientific but narrative appealing to an orienting myth that is not susceptible to scientific legitimation.

A lion of truth never assumes anything without validity. Assumptions are quick exits for lazy minds that like to graze out in the fields without bother.

One thing we entirely forget when making decisions is the fact that the results concern and throw back to the decision maker not the one it seeks to please.

I'm not running around looking for love and validation.

The more validation I need the less discernment I have.

Women have to learn where their true source of validation is.

People can think whatever they like. I don't desire their validation.

Before you look for validation in others try and find it in yourself

If you get validation from outside then suddenly everything you do at home is justified.

Look inside without anyone else's validation understand that you are valuable talented unique and worthy.

And if you ever need self-validation Just meet me in the alley by the railway station

I think the thing that people do wrong today is that they pray for external validation.

Family is the place where acceptance and validation are most needed but often the hardest to find.

We have to recognise that the validation of identity comes through relationships we have and what we produce.

As Buddha points out you should not rely on the opinions of others for validation of your internal progression.

The only permission the only validation and the only opinion that matters in our quest for greatness is our own.

What makes people weak? Their need for validation and recognition their need to feel important. Don't get caught in this trap.

I had turned personal validation into my primary source of meaning and value so that without it I was miserable and depressed.

There's literary creation and literary business. When I first got something accepted it gave my life a validation it didn't otherwise have.

I love the village in my computer. There's little validation in the day-to-day life of a writer; sometimes we ache for a connection.

I want to be in a relationship where you telling me you love me is just a ceremonious validation of what you already show me.

Release old concepts and energies that keep you in self-punishment patterns. Release old stories and create from a place of love and self-validation. You are worth it!

That you will feel the validation of your external beauty but also get to the deeper business of being beautiful inside. There is no shade to that beauty.

The whole HTML validation exercise is questionable but validating as XHTML is flat-out masochism. Only recommended for those that enjoy pain. Or programmers. I can't always tell the difference.

In 2007 I had on-paper success. I got to go to that Aspen comedy festival which was pretty exclusive I guess. Then I did Carson Daly. That was enough validation.

I think a lot of actors need validation. If you see truly amazing actors perform they expose themselves to such an incredible degree. You can really see their pain.

I'm insecure and I need the validation of strangers to feel whole. So I need every single racist 12-year-old on the Internet to like me or I don't feel complete.

The limitation of the ethical phenomenon to its place and time does not imply its rejection but on the contrary its validation. One does not use canons to shoot sparrows.

I think every player wants to be acknowledged for what they have done. I think every player eligible for the Hall Of Fame feels that the ultimate validation is enshrinement.

An amazing thing happens when you stop seeking approval and validation: You find it. People are naturally drawn like magnets to those who know who they are and cannot be shaken!

As an actor one is so appreciative when one is working. I think I am lucky that I have the opportunity to work having that total dependence on an external validation.

I'm just a proud papa and it's nice to get that validation from my colleagues in the industry. You get up you pull your pants down and you're like "Here it is!

I don't need to get any validation by someone else who sits next to me in first class. If you think a seat in first class makes you a star then you're not one.

Make sure your decision to have a child is based on the need to share your life completely with another little human being and not because of some personal need for validation as a woman.