Unsuspecting Quotes

A composer is a guy who goes around forcing his will on unsuspecting air molecules often with the assistance of unsuspecting musicians.

Teaching to unsuspecting youngsters the effective use of formal methods is one of the joys of life because it is so extremely rewarding.

Accidents ambush the unsuspecting often violently just like love.

No muse shoots darts of insight into the unsuspecting artist.

A cut glass English accent can fool unsuspecting Americans into detecting a brilliance that isn't there

With satanic joy in his face the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood thus stealing her from her people.

Yet when child sex offenders are brought to justice and serve time for their offenses they are often released into unsuspecting communities and left free to resume their sexual attacks.

Having a book censored means something. It means you have deeply offended one or more people who felt they needed to protect unsuspecting readers from your inflammatory words thoughts and images.

Too much profit is being made at the expense of unsuspecting patients.

He who writes is the martyr seen through the eyes of the unsuspecting doll.

There was another thing I had forgotten about the South: It was the one place on earth where an unsuspecting person could get killed by kindness.

Ninety percent of a shirt that not only was bright purple and green but with a design on it that if you moved too quickly might cause a seizure in an unsuspecting onlooker.

hello there the angel from my nightmare.the shadow in the backgroung of the mourge.the unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley.we could live like jack and sally if we want.