Unendurable Quotes

The unendurable is the beginning of the curve of joy.

Everything is a dangerous drug except reality which is unendurable.

We have resolved to endure the unendurable and suffer what is insufferable.

We are doomed to cling to a life even while we find it unendurable.

To the rational being only the irrational is unendurable but the rational is endurable.

Life is seldom as unendurable as to judge by the facts it logically ought to be.

The thought that we are enduring the unendurable is one of the things that keeps us going.

A society made up of individuals who were all capable of original thought would probably be unendurable.

There are two things that one must get used to or one will find life unendurable: the damages of time and injustices of men.

But to be hanged is that not unendurable?" Even so when a man feels that it is reasonable he goes off and hangs himself.

It was not a mere man he was holding but a giant; or a block of granite. The pull was unendurable. The pain unendurable.

Art is the distortion of an unendurable reality... Art is correction modification of a situation; art is communication connection... Art is social self-sufficient and total.

The grave is but the threshold of eternity. What a world were this how unendurable its weight If they whom death hath sundered did not meet again!

When crimes begin to pile up they become invisible. When sufferings become unendurable the cries are no longer heard. The cries too fall like rain in summer.

The atomic bomb made the prospect of future war unendurable. It has led us up those last few steps to the mountain pass; and beyond there is a different country.

All men recognize the right of revolution; that is the right to refuse allegiance to and to resist the government when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable.

When ours are interrupted his are not. His plans are proceeding exactly as scheduled moving us always (including those minutes or hours or years which seem most useless or wasted or unendurable).

No single individual moment is in and of itself unendurable.

What of October that ambiguous month the month of tension the unendurable month?

One person's roar is another's whine just as one person's music is another's unendurable noise.

There are philosophies which are unendurable not because men are cowards but because they are men.

On the one occasion where I did try writing a screenplay I found the rewriting just unendurable.

The exquisitely bad is as satisfying to the soul as the exquisitely good. Only the mediocre is unendurable.

There can be no Creator simply because his grief at the fate of his creation would be inconceivable and unendurable.

And so the ordinary unendurable torments we all experienced were indeed exceptional in the way they were absorbed in each heart.

The most unendurable thing to be sure the really terrible thing would be a life without habits a life which continually required improvisation.

Lost in loneliness and pain. Black and unendurable Thinking of you with every Corpuscle of my flesh in Every instant of night And day.

Travel which had once charmed him seemed at length unendurable a business of color without substance a phantom chase after his own dream's shadow.

A vile and overbearing temper becomes sometimes in one long accustomed to the exercise of power unendurable to those who are subject to its humors.

In summer intolerable closeness; in winter unendurable cold. All the floors were rotten. Filth on the floors an inch thick; one could slip and fall...

To most mortals there is a stupidity which is unendurable and a stupidity which is altogether acceptable - else indeed what would become of social bonds?

This Revolution is genuine because it was born from the same womb that always gives birth to massive social upheavals - the womb of intolerable conditions and unendurable situations.

We envy only those whom we feel ourselves to be like; we envy only members of our reference group. There are few successes more unendurable than those of our close friends.

And the night smells like snow. Walking home for a moment you almost believe you could start again. And an intense love rushes to your heart and hope. It's unendurable unendurable.