Uglier Quotes

I thought last week's game was ugly and this was even uglier.

My swing is no uglier than Arnold Palmer's and it's the same ugly swing every time.

Nothing has an uglier look to us than reason when it is not on our side.

The uglier a man's legs are the better he plays golf. It's almost a law.

The Satanic Verses' was denied the ordinary life of a novel. It became something smaller and uglier: an insult.

Failure in the theater is more dramatic and uglier than any other form of writing. It costs so much you feel so guilty.

It's a weird city because the uglier the weather the more beautiful the city. And the uglier the buildings the more coherent the city.

It would be ugly to watch people poking sticks at a caged rat. It is uglier still to watch rats poking sticks at a caged person.

There are the manufacturing multitudes of England; they must have work and find markets for their work; if machines and the Black Country are ugly famine would be uglier still.

Spaces I love to do - the uglier the better - tend to be really old dated basements - especially from the '60s to the '80s. I love those.

There are days where I've lost weight and I feel bigger or fatter or uglier and I want to just hibernate. I'll find every excuse not to exercise. I hate it.

We get on the bandwagon in all sorts of ways - you know minor ways and major ways - like what you've just encountered which isn't censorship exactly it was something sort of uglier in a way.

God! Is there anything uglier than a frightened man!

To hate others is ugly.To hate yourself is uglier.

Everything's uglier close up " she said. "Not you " I answered.

The artist as businessman is uglier than the businessman as artist.

Deny your nature and it will erupt in some other uglier way.

Los Angeles is like San Diego's older uglier sister that has herpes.

He had better get married soon because he's getting uglier every day!

A man should be taller older heavier uglier and hoarser than his wife.

I doubt if there is anything in the world uglier than a Midwestern city.

It gets harder the more you know. Because the more you find out the uglier everything seems.

Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.

I discovered what I call the Bill Gates effect. That is the more successful you are the uglier you get.

As ugly as the truth is it's even uglier when someone says out loud what you've been thinking to yourself.

Savages and modern artists are alike strangely driven to create something uglier than themselves. but the artists find it harder.

The more peaceful you are the more beautiful your face becomes; the more violent you are the uglier your face becomes!

The uglier older meaner iller poorer I get the more I wish to take my revenge by doing brilliant color well arranged resplendent.

If you ever go bar hopping who do you want to take with you? You want a slightly uglier version of yourself. Similar ... but slightly uglier.

If I hadn't gone into acting I would have been one of those weird runaways on Hollywood Boulevard. No it'd be uglier. I'd probably be dead.

Nothing is uglier than the sinner nothing so leprous or fetid; the scar of his crimes is still raw and he stinks like the cave of Hell.

The travel is a lot uglier than it once was with TSA and the deregulation of the airline services. These planes are getting smaller for my 6" 2' frame.

The butterfly lures us not only because he is beautiful but because he is transitory. The caterpillar is uglier but in him we can regard the better joy of becoming.

The world has become uglier since it began to look into a mirror every day; so let us settle for the mirror image and do without an inspection of the original

We have an obligation to make things beautiful. Not to leave the world uglier than we found it not to empty the oceans not to leave our problems for the next generation.

There are many of our so-called captains on industry who if the truth were told and a shorter and uglier word were not unpermissible are little better than malefactors of great wealth.

[The Player is] not a truthful indictment of Hollywood. It's much uglier than I portrayed it but nobody would've been interested if I'd shown just how sadistic cruel and self-orientated it is.

Never was there a dingier uglier less picturesque city than London ... it is really wonderful that so much brick and stone for centuries together should have been built up with so poor a result.