Teaching Writing Quotes

At DePauw I was teaching writing and fiction. The things I wanted to teach more than anything else were form and theory of the novel of narrative. I liked those classes.

Before I got my present job I spent many years teaching writing part-time so-called at community colleges and universities. It's academia's version of migrant labor.

I would probably have been very content as a scholar to have carried on organising exhibitions and writing books and teaching

James Franco acting teaching directing writing producing photography soundtracks editing "? is there anything you can do?

In fact the very phrase "teaching creative writing" sounds to me oxymoronic. How can you teach someone to be creative?

Traveling is my priority because it drives the writing so I teach around the travel and sometimes the travel is the teaching.

If you don't set your writing - teaching - at a level that makes them stretch they are never going to develop their intellectual muscle.

Teaching was great for me because I got to show people how writing can really change the way you see not only yourself but the world.

I do different work teaching and running around visiting universities and bookstores and that prevents me from writing. But it's nice to be wanted as a writer.

Teaching and writing have tended to proceed on parallel lines but there have been times when there was indeed carry-over from the classroom to the creative work.