Street Fighting Quotes

We got to jump on like trampolines learn flips learn karate kung fu Hong Kong street fighting.

Fighting in the ring or cage is very much different from fighting in the street. Fighting in the street is very much fueled by anger pride and male dominance and ego.

A citizen of America will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote in a national election.

The best thing you can say about Hubbard Street is that if you were a dancer this is a company you'd fight to get into.

What I'm fighting for now in my work... for an expression relevant to all manner of blacks poems I could take into a tavern into the street into the halls of a housing project.

I was very much a tough New York street kid. I went to a school where you had to learn how to get along with everybody or fight with everybody and I did my fair share of both.

[Donald] Trump suggesting to "The Wall Street Journal" that he would stop aiding the rebels fighting [Bashir] Assad.

I know the action in the street is exciting but Jesus between all the bleeding and fighting I've been reading and writing.

We will fight in every valley in every street in every oasis and every town. We won't surrender again; we are not women; we will keep fighting.