Strauss Quotes

My favorite designers are Levi Strauss and Fruit of the Loom

I admire Johann Strauss a lot. I believe he was a genius of his time.

In truth I became a conductor because deep down I wanted to conduct Brahms's four symphonies and Richard Strauss's tone poems.

When I perform Strauss it is as if the music fits me like a glove. My voice seems to lie in a happy area in this music which is lyrical and passionate at the same time.

I am under no illusion that I will ever be the greatest opera composer in the world with Wagner and Verdi and Strauss before me. I think my work could fit very nicely into musicals though.

Richard Strauss--Old Home Week in Gomorrah

Lewis Strauss is one of my best friends.

I dig Strauss and Wagner. Those cats are good.

[On the music of Richard Strauss:] Too many notes!

I was never revolutionary. The only revolutionary in our time was Strauss!

I've outdone anyone you can name - Mozart Beethoven Bach Strauss. Irving Berlin he wrote 1 001 tunes. I wrote 5 500.

To Strauss the composer I take off my hat; to Strauss the man I put it back on again.

Leo Strauss's discoveries in the history of political philosophy had the effect of liberating his students from the yoke of contemporary thought.

Sex my darling is often the least important part of a passion. You'll learn that when you get older. - Maria Luisa (Tushi) Strauss

You cannot imagine the wild enthusiasm that these two men created in Vienna. Newspapers went into raptures over each new waltz and innumerable articles appeared about Lanner and Strauss.

What Strauss is going through drives you nuts. If you care about your batting - which I'm sure he does - he will feel like jumping off a bridge and committing suicide

When my eye rested on an arid height spirit partook of the barrenness. - Heartily wish Niebuhr & Strauss to the dogs. The deuce take their penetration & acumen. They have robbed us of the bloom.