Stages Of Life Quotes

Parenting is a stage of life's journey where the milestones come about every fifty feet.

Everything that occurs teaches and prepares you for the next stage of life. Nothing is lost.

The boomers' biggest impact will be on eliminating the term 'retirement' and inventing a new stage of life... the new career arc.

I don't think one should ever come to my stage of life and have to look back and say Gosh. I wish I hadn't spent all those years doing that job I was never really interested in.

I've always believed in the importance of education and continuing to learn throughout every stage of life.

Music is my heart but I see television and more movies in the next stage of my life.

I've done a lot of stage in my life but I never had to dominate a stage for three hours.

It was the worst moment of my life. The producer came up and talked me back into going on stage.

Being on the stage in New York is always exciting because you feel like you're part of the life of the city.

Wave after wave of love flooded the stage and washed over me the beginning of the one great durable romance of my life.