Squeal Quotes

Squeal like a cheerleader named prom queen aging retiree placing the game-winning bingo button frenzied fan finding Johnny Depp in her supermarket.

They use everything about the hog except the squeal.

Ambition makes you look pretty uglyKicking squealing gucci little piggy

The rat squealed as he bit into it squirming wildly in his hands frantic to escape.

Oh! Worm! Seth pounced squealing when his teeth sank into his own tail. Ow! That hurt!

I hear his denim jeans crumple to the floor and my insides squeal like a horny teenager.

A horse's hindquarters appeared at the door the horse backing slowly down a rampBuckwheat!" Emily squealedYou bringed my horsie!

Armus: 'No need for interogation if you'd tell me this earlier.'Samarga: 'You wouldn't buy it if I gave it away without squeal.

Accept the fact that girls squeal when they're happy or confused or excited or scared or because they just saw a certain boy in line.

High-pitched squeal like a beauty pageant contestant found best in show Oprah audience member given a new Chevy rookie actress surprised with an unlikely Oscar.

I'm a whore!"Miki hit the brakes...her hands.. gripping the steering wheel glanced at SaraYou're not wearing any underwear are you?"Sara let out a strangled squeal...

Mealtime"A mousie squealing in a trapWoke me from my morning nap.Wasn't he so very sweetTo tell me it was time to eat?"(From A CAT'S GARDEN OF VERSES)

And now was one to believe that there was nowhere a god of hogs to whom this hog personality was precious to whom these hog squeals and agonies had a meaning?

Why don't you pick something you'll both like?" "What?" she squealedThat takes away the whole fun of the competition! No! He must suffer." Nan pointed her finger in the air dramatically.

I love you Fern.""You do?" Fern squealedI do. It doesn't get better than Fern Taylor.""It doesn't?" Fern squeaked."It doesn't." Ambrose couldn't help laughing at her incredulous little face.

They've got him!" squealed the DukeEleven men to one!""You may have heard of Galahad " said Hark "whose strength was as the strength of ten.""That leaves one man to get him " cried the Duke.

Kellan looked back at me cocky amusement infused into his lopsided grinI'm glad you don't squeal when I look at you." He leaned in his arm brushing mineI like having to earn it " he whispered.

Ella let out a squeal when I picked her up "Jonathan!"I loved carrying her around in my arms. After all modern man is just an illusion we're all still cavemen. We just wear better clothes now.

On the reals all these crab niggaz know the deal When we start the revolution all they'll probably do is squeal.

I make a rich woman beg I'll make a good woman steal. I'll make an old woman blush and make a young woman squeal.

I'm a whore!"Miki hit the brakes...her hands.. gripping the steering wheel glanced at Sara. "You're not wearing any underwear are you?"Sara let out a strangled squeal...