Squadron Quotes

Rogue Squadron doesn't run. Unless we really really have to.

Rogue Squadron doesnâ??t run. Unless we really really have to." "No this will be Wraith Squadronâ??s mission." "We donâ??t mind running. Even when we donâ??t have to.

I was commanding officer of a supersonic fighter squadron F-8 Crusaders.

It's unbelievable what one squadron of twelve aircraft did to tip the balance.

There is a peculiar gratification in receiving congratulations from one's squadron for a victory in the air. It is worth more to a pilot than the applause of the whole outside world.

At the end of the day though the band members have to be strong. It's down to the individuals in the unit. Listen to me I'm talking like I'm in the army and this is my squadron.

Baby boy go hire a squadron My crib got more poles than a fire department.

The rattle of plastic keys reminds me of a squadron of butterflies failing to fight their way out of a paper bag.

In relations with many domestically weak countries a radio transmitter can be a more effective form of pressure than a squadron B-52s.