Spring Flowers Quotes

I love spring flowers: daffodils and hyacinths are the ultimate flower for me. They are the essence of spring.

Yet though it is like this simply flowers fall amid our longing and weeds spring up amid our antipathy.

God has set his intentions in the flowers in the dawn in the spring it is his will that we should love.

Spring training means flowers people coming outdoors sunshine optimism and baseball. Spring training is a time to think about being young again.

Our judgment ripens; our imagination decays. We cannot at once enjoy the flowers of the Spring of life and the fruits of its Autumn.

Flowers spring to blossom where she walks The careful ways of duty; Our hard stiff lines of life with her Are flowing curves of beauty.

It was a perfect spring afternoon and the air was filled with vague roving scents as if the earth exhaled the sweetness of hidden flowers.

The flowers do fade and wanton fields To wayward winter reckoning yields; A honey tongue a heart of gall Is fancy's spring but sorrow's fall.

T'was Spring t'was Summer all was gay Now Autumn bears a cloud brow The flowers of Spring are swept way And Summer fruits desert the bough

Spring comes with flowers autumn with the moon summer with the breeze winter with snow. When idle concerns don't fill your thoughts that's your best season.

This is the divine moment when we can hold the fairest blossom of spring in one hand and the sweetest flowers of early summer in the other.

wholly to be a fool while Spring is in the world my blood approves and kisses are a far better fate than wisdom lady i swear by all flowers.

I will bring you flowers from the mountains bluebells dark hazels and rustic baskets of kisses. I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees.

Pity! Religion has so seldom found A skilful guide into poetic ground! The flowers would spring where'er she deign'd to stray And every muse attend her in her way.