Sport Of Basketball Quotes

I have 'the first' attached to my name in a whole lot of different aspects when it comes to the sport of basketball.

I definitely like to stay active. Im a huge fan of the NBA and the sport of basketball. I love to play pick-up games in Brooklyn where I live.

I definitely like to stay active. I'm a huge fan of the NBA and the sport of basketball. I love to play pick-up games in Brooklyn where I live.

Basketball is my favorite sport and I'm also a very passionate football fan.

Basketball really had its origin in Indiana which remains the center of the sport.

Basketball is the worst sport. They need to raise the basket at least two feet.

In a team sport like basketball every time you help somebody else you help yourself.

Analytics only goes so far. Basketball more than baseball for example is really a team sport.

Basketball isn't just a sport. It is an art one that must be mastered to succeed.

It's just about being in the zone in any sport be it football basketball or baseball.

Whirlyball is only the most awesome sport on the planet! It's like bumper cars plus lacrosse meets basketball.

You have to remember that baseball really was the American pastime in the Forties not football basketball or any other sport.

Basketball isn't as popular in Canada as it is in the US. Hockey is by far the most popular sport in Canada.

Football's another sport I absolutely despise. Along with baseball. Really for me basketball's the only real sport the only one that matters.

I was a better basketball player growing up in high school than I was a swimmer. Basketball to this day is my favorite sport.

Hockey is a sport for white men. Basketball is a sport for black men. Golf is a sport for white men dressed like black pimps.

I've always thought basketball was the best sport although it wasn't the sport I was best at. It was just the most fun to watch.

Basketball is a sport that involves the subtle interweaving of players at full speed to the point where they are thinking and moving as one.

It's intense in every sport. No matter what USC vs. UCLA is crazy. Especially when it comes down to football and basketball it's just nuts.

Basketball would have been the natural sport to play but it's a little too aggressive for me so instead I dabbled in volleyball and some good old-fashioned Roller Derby.

I think that my God-given physical attributes big hands and big feet the way that I'm built proportion-wise just made basketball the most inviting sport for me to play.