Sport And Heart Quotes

I was born with this heart condition but it's never affected me - I've been able to play every sport I wanted to and the doctors were amazed.

My heart is set. All goodly sport For my comfort Who shall me let?

I want to do my best to make the people happy. I play with my heart for the sport.

I follow K-1 closely and also train Ray Sefo. My heart is with K-1 and I love the sport of standup kickboxing.

Play with passion and heart. If you don't carry passion into sport - or into any job for that matter - you won't succeed.

I got married going to become father soon being No. 1 in the sport that I love with all my heart. I mean it's pretty awesome.

Play not for gain but sport. Who plays for more Than he can lose with pleasure stakes his heart; Perhaps his wife's too and whom she hath bore.