Spiritual Formation Quotes

You really can't justify anything else but giving your whole attention to spiritual formation in Christ.

Everyone gets a spiritual formation. It's like education. Everyone gets an education; it's just a matter of which one you get.

Spiritual formation is character formation. Everyone gets a spiritual formation. It's like education. Everyone gets an education; it's just a matter of which one you get.

My moral and spiritual formation does not allow me to be a dictator... If I were a dictator You can be sure that many things have happened.

The aim of spiritual formation is not behavior modification but the transformation of all those aspects of you and me where behavior comes from...Circumcision of the heart.

For me the university has always been an ideal context for spiritual formation. I always felt that if you want to offer spiritual formation at the university you can.

It is not that the university as such is against spiritual formation. It is just that often the university does not know how to integrate spiritual formation within its academic disciplines.

Spiritual formation in Christ moves us toward a total interchange of our ideas and images for his.

Spiritual formation for the Christian basically refers to the Spirit-driven process of forming the inner world of the human self in such a way that it becomes like the inner being of Christ himself.