Serious Mistakes Quotes

Investing is not nearly as difficult as it looks. Successful investing involves doing a few things right and avoiding serious mistakes.

The most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers. The true dangerous thing is asking the wrong question.

While women were powerfully liberated both externally as well as internally by the feminism of the 1970s we made some serious mistakes as well.

If both John McCain and Obama were given a sip of truth serum both would admit they made serious mistakes in choosing running mates in 2008.

Very serious mistakes were made by previous governments and Greece was ready to be abandoned by its partners and to leave the eurozone which would have created total catastrophe.

Too much pessimism has led too many men into making serious mistakes. And perhaps part of our pessimism comes because we are too close to ourselves to see in proper perspective.

Most people in this country believe that the American Communist Party and its dupes are the chief internal enemy of our economic system and our form of government. This is a serious mistake.

We tried to avoid you know records. We were told over and over that was probably the most serious mistake and the reason was the system would never catch on because we didn't have records.