Sabrina Quotes

Delightful as teenage witch-in-training Sabrina.

You sick twisted monster " Sabrina seethed at Pinocchio.

He turned into a rhinocerous " Ms. Smirt said. "He does that " Sabrina said.

Girls I need to tell you some things about our family " Sabrina said. "Have you ever heard of the Brothers Grimm?

This letter really touched my heart. Sabrina says when she lost all her hair during chemo she wore the cap I gave her.

That's the coolest thing I've ever seen " Puck said. "How cool will it be when it kills us?" Sabrina asked. "Considerably less cool " Puck replied.

Sabrina fair Listen where thou art sitting Under the glassy cool translucent wave In twisted braids of lilies knitting The loose train of thy amber-dropping hair.

Freaky monsters were trying to kill us " Sabrina said. "Should I have just died out there so you could keep your clubhouse secret?" "Absolutely!" the prince said.

I dont know what could possibly distract three pigs enough so that you can get away." Sabrina thought for a moment then grinned. "I know exactly what to do.

Maybe one of the monsters ate him " Daphne whimpered. "That would be awesome " Puck said. Sabrina flashed him an angry look. "Awesome in a terrible heartbreakingly tragic way " Puck continued.

There's no one I trust in show business more than Sabrina Wind. She's my eyes and ears when I can't be there. She weighs in on everything from scripts to sets to advertising.

I didn't do it ' he insisted. 'Then why did you run?' Sabrina asked. 'And send rabbits to eat us! I'm a seven-year-old girl ' Daphne said. 'Do you know how important bunny rabbits are to me?

You can over analyze anything. I constantly have to tell myself 'Sabrina stop thinking.' There are people who are just analytical. It's part of your gene makeup or too much caffeine.

When my daughter Sabrina was 2 years old the pediatrician told me it was time she quit using a pacifier because that could make her teeth crooked and even cause infections in her ears.

My favorite thing before going to school was watching 'Full House ' 'Sabrina the Teenage Witch ' and 'Boy Meets World.'