Rat Race Quotes

I can do anything I want I'm eccentric!

Everybody in America is so money-hungry. It's like a rat race and even when you win you're still a freaking rat.

Weird heroes and mould-breaking champions exist as living proof to those who need it that the tyranny of 'the rat race' is not yet final.

It's a rare moment when we take a break from the tribulations of the daily rat race to reflect on assumptions and values that we casually accept as gospel.

We cam leave the rat race to rodents... but I suspect that even they wouldn't like it.

They said congratulations you got what it takes. They sent him back to the rat race without any brakes.

It may be that you will be happiest in the rat race; perhaps like me you are basically a rat.

Nobody loves the rat race but nobody can think of anything else"?Satan has us just where he wants us.

Retirement: It's nice to get out of the rat race but you have to learn to get along with less cheese.

Nature shows me incredible beauty standing just beyond the rat race. It's always there if I'm open enough to see it.

I'm not here to win the rat race of materialism. I am here to experience the depths of my soul in form.

The great disadvantage of being in a rat race is that it is humiliating. The competitors in a rat race are by definition rodents.

Don't ever forget the words on a postcard that my father sent me last year: "If you win the rat race you're still a rat.

It's not about being a sex prostitute. It's about this power play in the war of the sexes. It's a rat race like "I'm in charge " "No I'm in charge.

Today's youth seem finally to have understood that only by freeing woman from her exclusively sexual role can man free himself from his ordained role in the rat-race: that of the rat.