Rangers Quotes

Glasgow Rangers. God I loved playing for them

The best signing I ever made at Rangers was Walter Smith.

At Rangers you are never more than 2 defeats away from a crisis!

The Red Sox didn't handle negotiations with any kind of respect for me and my family and the Rangers were the total opposite.

One of the best years of my life was the very last one of my career. Playing for Rangers was my dream and it meant everything to my family.

Rangers are definitely on the back heel now

Power Rangers' has changed a lot of lives.

What do I like about Rangers?i like winning

There's no reason the Rangers can't get to the top.

What no Power Rangers Band-Aids ?" "Shut up Garett." "Yes ma'am.

If I had the Rangers payroll I'd never lose a game

Ach Rangers are alright but they still haven't invented blue grass.

There are people for whom Rangers Football Club is their entire way of life.

It's always good to have the building filled - even if it's with low-IQ Rangers fans.

I'm a Rangers fan and I love the club but this will be a difficult game.

I'll play for Rangers as long as I can then spend the rest of my life being depressed

When Celtic get an opportunity to go above Rangers they've got to jump at it with both hands.

If I have one regret in my career it is that I did not join Rangers a lot sooner.

Almost everything I tried out for I pretty much got. I landed Power Rangers and the rest is history.

Forget about Batman Superman and the Power Rangers cause I'll be your hero if you're ever in some danger.

George Bush calls his biggest fundraisers Rangers and Pioneers. We gather here today and we call ourselves simply Americans.

Screw the Rangers and screw the Devils; I work for the Islanders now and I could care less about them!

We all love to see excellence as a fan and I am a fan now watching excellence in the Rangers net.

But then I always wanted to play for Rangers. Man United is a great club and Alex Ferguson is a legend.

I really learned how to act on camera through 'Power Rangers' because I hadn't done a lot of film and TV.

My ambition is to go back to Spurs and Rangers in some capacity and give something back that they gave to me.

I think if you've managed Celtic or Rangers you can go on to be Prime Minister of Great Britain it's that hard.

You know what the bounty is on bin Laden? $25 million. It sounds like a lot until you realize the Texas Rangers paid $250 million to get Alex Rodriguez.

I like the normal things of life: I like the Mets and the Celtics and the N.Y. Rangers. I like to watch C-Span; I love Costco.

In my banjo show with the Steep Canyon Rangers I do do comedy during that show. It'd be absurd just to stand there mute and play 25 banjo songs.

Every week Rangers have different former players come out at half-time. Spurs should have a couple a former players on the board who know what the supporters want.

I want to present a really interesting vision of [Jack] Kirby's characters and environments as well as dig way way deeper into the history of the Galactic Rangers.

I exchanged my flannel shirt for a Rangers jersey and zapped the television on. Probably I should make more phone calls but the Rangers were playing and priorities were priorities.

I went to a couple of Rangers games at the Garden and someone at the NHL had seen me and figured I was a fan and decided to approach me about having a blog during the playoffs.

Big Texas (Nolan Ryan) is here. The reason I like to keep Nolan around is he is a reminder that when we got done with the Sammy Sosa trade there was still some talent on the Rangers.

In Africa the rangers shoot poachers.

Put the park rangers to work. Lazy scheming loafers they've wasted too many years selling tickets at toll booths and sitting behind desks filling out charts and tables