Quirks Quotes

Be yourself. Embrace your quirks.

Grown ups are complicated creatures full of quirks and secrets.

We are a fluke of nature a quirk of evolution a glorious contingency.

It's little quirks like this that could make life difficult for a chess machine.

Everyone loves characters that are relatable or who have unique quirks or tragic flaws.

Light quirks of music broken and uneven Make the soul dance upon a jig to Heav'n.

Certain flaws are necessary for the whole. It would seem strange if old friends lacked certain quirks.

It is a curious quirk of human nature that some people can see opportunities while others only see problems.

Be happy with being you. Love your flaws. Own your quirks. And know that you are just as perfect as anyone else exactly as you are.

And now we're apart and you're just some stranger who knows all my secrets and all my family members and all my quirks and flaws and it doesn't make sense.

You do form a cadre of people that you trust and who are good at their jobs and who know you and what your quirks and foibles are. It makes making movies very collegial and a lot more fun.

Love your flaws and own your quirks.

I'm moved by us our quirks and mistakes.

A lot of times people hide their quirks when they're first getting to know a person.

I'll always marvel at the liveliness of southern speech-so full of metaphor and hyperbole quirks and vividness.

A Total Woman caters to her man's special quirks whether it be in salads sex or sports.

We each have our hiding places and we each put up with the little quirks of the people we love.

All your quirks and all your problems - even your depressions and your failures - that's what makes you you.

If you don't feel free and be yourself you can't connect. Find people who accept your quirks. They'll heal your soul.

One of the quainter quirks of life is that we shall never know who dies on the dame day as we do ourselves.

I think that when people start hanging around each other they start to pick on on each other's quirks and taste in music apparently.

It is an odd thing owing life to pills one's own quirks and tenacities and this unique strange and ultimately profound relationship called psychotherapy.

It's a fairly accurate portrait of me at eighteen minus a few quirks like reckless driving and eating binges. It's accurate but it isn't profound.

It is one of those quirks of human nature that you love the person whom you treat well not necessarily the person who treats you well.

Day after day with them I see more and more of my parents in me. I see where all my quirks come from. I see my future.

Languages are something of a mess. They evolve over centuries through an unplanned democratic process that leaves them teeming with irregularities quirks and words like 'knight.'

Bella leave the aggressive stuff to me." My heart quirks in my chest. I may not like this guy but that sounded so hot. "Um..." Focus focus. "What?