Quest For Knowledge Quotes

The path of light is quest for knowledge.

The path of light is the quest for knowledge.

Fishing is a quest for knowledge and wonder as much as a pursuit of fish.

Scientists have become the bearers of the torch of discovery in our quest for knowledge.

The quest for knowledge never ends; it just leads to more curiosities that lead to a greater mind.

Let me put it this way: There is nothing in Islam that is fundamentally against the quest for knowledge. many it is not knowledge but the quest for knowledge that gives greater interest to thought-to travel hopefully is better than to arrive.

Every day I wake up and that's my goal to be on a constant quest for knowledge and do something different being unique and being uncommon.

If this capsule history of our progress teaches us anything it is that man in his quest for knowledge and progress is determined and cannot be deterred.

Fishing is a quest for knowledge and wonder as much as a pursuit of fish; it is as much an acquaintance with beavers dippers and other fishermen as it is the challenge of catching trout.

We do not want our world to perish. But in our quest for knowledge century by century we have placed all our trust in a cold impartial intellect which only brings us nearer to destruction.

The real reason for a quest is always self-knowledge.

In my quest to search for knowledge I know God the source of knowledge.

It is not his possession of knowledge of irrefutable truth that makes the man of science but his persistent and recklessly critical quest for truth.

Humanities deepest desire for knowledge is justification enough for continuing our quest. and our goal is nothing less than a complete description of the universe we live in.