Not Doing Anything Right Quotes

If they aren't hating on you then you're not doing anything right. If women aren't jealous of you talking about you and cutting you down then you're a nerd and I would never want to be that.

Liberals do not appear to address potential solutions with anything like the far right's aura of God-given self-confidence.

If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.

I am not a dumb animal to be browbeaten cowed lashed coerced or goaded into anything I do not think is right.

Right now I'm really happy with how things are going with my chess career so I'm not thinking of doing anything else.

I'm very finicky about when I'm in the right mood to write. So most days I find some excuse not to do anything.

I do not go lightly. If I could have anything right now it would be the ability to continue as secretary of state.

What I've always said about comedy is if you do it in the right way you can say anything to anybody because they know where you're coming from. They know it's not malicious.

People think I should be a multi-millionaire if I had gotten the right contract. I'm not getting anything for all that commercial stuff they do. But I would have had to pay for that.

I know I'm getting old because there will be times when I'm not even doing anything and I'll think 'I need to go wipe my ass right now.'