Nature Buddha Quotes

Your nature is the Buddha.

To find a Buddha all you have to do is see your nature.

If you want to find Buddha nature love someone and care for them.

When people suffer their relationships usually suffer as well. Period. And we all suffer because as the Buddha says that's the nature of being human and wanting stuff we don't always get.

People walking? Karma walking ... Buddha nature walking..!

Every man possesses the Buddha-nature. Do not demean yourselves.

Our buddha nature is as good as any buddha's buddha nature.

...we and all sentient beings fundamentally have the buddha nature as our innermost essence. . . .

Our true buddha-nature has no shape. And the dust of affliction has no form.

Since everything is already the Supreme Buddha Nature where are you going to find it?

Nothing burns in hell but ego" says Tauler. Does anything live but Buddha Nature Christ Spirit?

The Buddha said that samsara by its nature is painful. He didn't say it was a joyride.

There is no self yet we all exist. All phenomena are "empty " yet they have Buddha nature.

The real spiritual power is enabling beings to realize the nature of the mind. That's the power of Buddha activity.

You want to eliminate your evil desires in order to reveal your Buddha nature but where will you throw them away?

When you're blind to your own nature the Buddha is an ordinary being. When you're aware of your own nature an ordinary being is the Buddha.

What is most important is to go deep into ourselves and discover the loving kindness and compassion of the buddha within - the awakened nature we all possess.

All living beings have Buddha nature and can become Buddhas.